Friday, March 23, 2012

Storage Cabinets | The Brigante Brand Home Improvement Guides

Posted by admin on March 22, 2012 |
in Cabinets
as Cabinets, Storage
4241326971 595496957a m Storage Cabinets

Everyone needs storage cabinets.? I think it is important to have some sort of storage cabinet or closet in every room of the house.? Storage cabinets help to keep your belongings organized.? Proper use of your storage cabinets can also help each room appear less cluttered.

There are many different types of storage cabinets.? Some are built into the structure of your house.? Others are free standing and are not integral to your house.? Of the built in storage cabinets, some are flush with your walls while others are attached to the wall and stick out into the room.? Although I have preferences amongst the different types of storage cabinets, all provide benefits and the use of them should be optimized.

The first thing you should realize is that the contents of a storage cabinet shouldn?t stagnate.? A storage cabinet is not a place to store junk you no longer use.? This is the biggest and most common misuse of cabinets.? People end up storing older and sometimes broken belongings they no longer use regularly and these items sit in the cabinets taking up valuable space for years.? Every storage cabinet should be emptied at least once per year.? Anything that hasn?t been touched in a year should be given to the charity shop.

Bathroom medicine cabinets can be a terribly misused storage cabinet.? These cabinets are full of cold medications, pill samples, sun screens, bug repellents, allergy medications, etc, etc.? I bet that half the over the counter medications found in most bathroom storage cabinets is outdated.? Empty that cabinet.? Check the dates on everything and dispose of all outdated medications.? Some medications are important to have on hand like Ibuprofen and anti-histamines.? Make sure you have a new supply of these and get rid of everything old.

For reasons I could never understand some rooms were built without closets or storage cabinets.? In the case of such rooms storage options will have to be added.? The choice of added storage will depend on your tastes and budget.? There are fabulous antique armoires and storage cabinets that can be picked up from boutique antique collections.? Check your Yellow Pages for the contact information of antique dealers in your area.? Equally functional and much less expensive options can be found at stores like Ikea or Home Depot or Lowes.

If you organize your storage systems, I guarantee that your house will quickly look less cluttered.? Not only will your house be less cluttered but it will feel lighter.? Organization systems are easy to put in place but first you must purge and rid yourself of old unused items.? Use your cabinet storage capacity wisely and you will be happy that you did.? The use of closet organizer systems and cabinet organizer systems will save you a lot of hassle.

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