Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dispelling the Foods to Avoid With Acid Reflux Disease Myth

Do the seemingly all-inclusive lists of foods to avoid with acid reflux all over the internet have you wallowing in self-pity? It is true, many people arrive at a place where their digestive system harms them for having a desire for those foods which are loaded with acid, oil, and, simply put, flavor. The big question here though is precisely what resulted in such a depressive health outcome and is it possible to reverse so that stomach acid and eating fully satisfying foods belong in the same sentence again?

Although you wouldn?t know it from watching a commercial for antacids presenting some guy eating all sorts of fast foods, as though he is in a world-championship eating contest, and then getting away with it thanks to XYZ antacid, there?s actually completely real and avoidable health imbalance at the root of acid reflux or heartburn and, truth be told, it is actually aggravated by a large amount of acid reflux and heartburn medications.

Allow me to explain. If what you eat is gonna be valuable in terms of both enjoyment and survival, you must possess an adequate amount of stomach acid and enzymes. When you eat foods that are not completely natural, they are not just devoid of nutrients which your stomach lives to make absorbable, but also enzymes which it needs to complete this task. Granted, your body does manufacture digestive enzymes of it own but, in the event that your stomach is short on acid, it is not able to use them. The consequence, especially if you consume the established foods to avoid with acid reflux, is indigestion and, particularly if you have a problematic Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), furious acid reflux.

The ironic thing acid reflux which is hidden in the above description is that it virtually invariably results from a deficiency of stomach acid, not an overabundance. And the surprising paradox of antacid drugs is that they effectively deplete acid in the stomachs of people who don?t have enough to process their food!

But here is the good news. You don?t need to put up with a diet determined by the foods to avoid with acid reflux if you restore the acidity of your stomach by simply eating 100% organic foods, which include a few in particular that have the power to balance your stomach acidity and digestive function right away, such as organic, raw apple cider vinegar, papaya and aloe vera plant juice.

Former severe GERD patient Sasha Konotopetz is committed to sharing the ways in which he used food to accomplish lasting reflux relief. Visit his foods to avoid with acid reflux website today to learn how food can actually be your finest acid reflux disease medicine.

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Technorati Tags: Acid Reflux, acid reflux diet, alternative medicine, foods to avoid with acid reflux, GERD, health and fitness, heartburn

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