Friday, June 14, 2013

Tiger Woods & Rich Schefren Know This Victory Secret. Do You ...

What do Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Kobe Bryant, Drew Brees and David Beckham have in common?

They are the world?s highest paid athletes according to Forbes Magazine, with Tiger Woods topping the list at $78.1 Million in winnings and endorsement deals according to calculations made in June 2013.

Tiger is not only the highest paid, but he is the youngest golfer to win 50 tournaments on tour.

Ranked the number one golfer in the world, he has an impressive list of achievements including being awarded the PGA Player of the Year a record ten times.? Plus he has more career major wins than any other active golfer.? He?s also the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam (winning all the golf?s major championships in the same calendar year.)

Whether it?s in sports, the arts, or business, what leads people to greatness? What makes them the best in the world?

Being a successful volleyball athlete myself and now working closely with top entrepreneurs such as Rich Schefren, Ryan Deiss, and Yanik Silver, I?ve discovered a common ingredient?not only in athletes, but in entrepreneurs.

I?m not talking about drive and ambition, although that is important to succeed and will lead to a certain level of success, it is not what leads to the highest level of achievement.

Writing down your goals and having a plan is another element often referenced for high accomplishment. While I highly recommend having your end-game defined and a plan written down to achieve it, it too is not the missing, secret ingredient that gets you to the top.

Passion for what they do? Again, that will definitely help you out and keep you driving forward during times when you are struggling, but is not the one missing ingredient.

So what is it?

They seek out and work with the best coaches in the world.

Every one of the highest paid athletes on the Forbes list works with the best and (not surprisingly) highest paid coaches.

Rich Schefren, Yanik Silver, Ryan Deiss, Frank Kern?all turned to the best coach they could find.

But you might ask yourself, if you are at the top of your game, why you would need a coach?

I mean Tiger Woods is the number one golfer in the world earning serious money, why on earth would he work with a coach?

Or why would the most successful entrepreneurs already at the top of the ladder need coaching?

Because it accelerates success and keeps them at the top of their game.

A great coach will guide you in what you need to do to win.

A great coach will be knowledgeable of the most effective techniques, methods and strategies required for success.

A great coach will get to know what pushes your buttons so she or he can motivate you and keep you on course when you start to stray in the wrong direction.

A great coach will introduce you to the greatest leaders?whether it?s through mastermind groups or simply telling you what you should read or in the case of an athlete putting you with a team or workout partners.? He puts these people in your path so that you can be surrounded by successful people that will help you expand your thinking and knowledge and push you even further.

So if you want to accelerate your success and reach (and stay at) the top of your game, crowd your path with successful people and the best coaching you can find.

NOTE: Yanik Silver, Rich Schefren, Frank Kern?names you?ve undoubtedly heard. They are some of the top Internet Marketing Gurus?and continue to be. What do they have in common? They all enlisted Dan Kennedy and knew he was THE top guy who could help them accelerate their success online.

For the first time ever, Dan Kennedy will reveal to you his insights about Online Marketing which have been responsible for more money being made selling things online than most of the names you associate with the Internet. Things which were previously only shared with a rare few premium private clients who invested serious cash to find out what he had to say.

Even more rare, is the fact that you will be getting this information FREE. I?m not big on that, in fact I sometimes charge people to have lunch with me, but this is critical information our GKIC members need right now. So you have the unique opportunity to join in and find out:

  • The constructive and productive ways to think about the Internet and online media?and how it can provide you with a legitimate portfolio of opportunities.
  • Key principles and ideas you need to understand to streamline your success. There is enormous amount of B.S. about online, I?ll help you sort this out, so you can focus on what truly works.
  • The marketing and selling principles valid with every media, including online media.

There is very limited space available for this LIVECAST event. If you want this unheard of FREE access to Dan Kennedy?s coaching, you?ll want to register at the link below, immediately.

Click here now to register

P.P.S. If you?re still thinking about this and haven?t registered, let me ask you a question. If you decided you wanted to learn to play golf like Tiger, who would you go to for help? Tiger Woods?or his coach?

My guess is you?d go to his coach. Because if the person is a successful coach, it?s pretty much guaranteed they know how to convey what they know to others with clarity and precision.

If you want to earn money and gain the independence like Rich Schefren, Tim Ferris (author of the 4-hr work week) and others like them, then you?ll want to go to their coach?Dan Kennedy and find out what he has to say.? Register here now or go to

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Tags: David Beckham, Drew Brees, Kobe Bryant, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods


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