Thursday, July 19, 2012

Home*School*Home: Speeding.

The summer is just speeding on by. ?The local schools start up on August first. ?That's only 13 days away. ?I haven't even cracked open the Rainbow Resource catalog. ?I haven't made any concrete plans as to what we are going to do this fall. ?I know that my daughter will be using the same writing and French (she makes a face every time I say this), ?son needs to work on spelling and writing, there will be science with notebooking and we'll do some grammar work. ?We might go back and do Grammar with a Giggle or possibly get the one for high schoolers. ?I think GWAG is for middle school. ?Speaking of speeding by, how quickly have our homeschooling years gone? ?I mean, we're going to have a college student and 2 high schoolers this year! ?Four years and we'll be done. ?:-(

We had an awful storm last night. ?It knocked out our electricity for 4 or 5 hours. ?We had no choice but to adorn ourselves with glow-stick bracelets and ?play board games. ? It made my younger son happy because he finally had someone to play Settlers of Catan with him. ?We really should do that more often. ?There for a while, we had board game day every third Sunday, but since my husband's work shift changed and now he works on Sunday, we've let that fall by the wayside. ?We need to start doing that again. ?


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