Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Website Offers Unbiased Advice on Student Loans

PHOENIX, AZ (PRBuzz) July 28, 2012 --, is a free web resource for college students. The website,, is geared towards anyone that is seeking college financing to help pay for tuition and related expenses. The cost of an education has always been expensive and is constantly increasing. Many university students and their parents are looking for ways to fund their education in the most cost efficient manner. addresses this need by offering quality information on various types of college funding. Students can learn about the different kinds of federal and private loans available to them as well as other ways of getting money for pay for higher education. offers advice on financial matters for students in a wide range of topics including student loans, scholarships, and other types of financing. It is a helpful resource to get the information students need.

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For more information, visit or contact us at:

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Destruction of Education and the Preservation of Inequity ...

Detroit's Mumford High School, demolished in July, 2012.

The Destruction of Education and the Preservation of Inequity

By Barry Garelick

From the fall of 1964 through June 1967, I attended Mumford High School in Detroit.? .?? (I wrote about it previously here: My brother and sister also attended Mumford and graduated in 1962 and 1958.?? As I write this, Mumford is in the process of being demolished.? The demolition is part of the $500 million Detroit Public Schools Capital Improvement Program started in 2009.?? Because of a shrinking student population, the state is in the process of shutting down almost half the schools in Detroit.? The school district is attempting to sell the shut down schools for redevelopment, an effort that has earned over $10 million since 2009.

But although Mumford is being destroyed, a new version of the high school has been built on what had been the original Mumford?s athletic field.? The new school cost $52 million to build, secured by a bond issue in a city where almost half of its schools have been shut down.?? From the web page for the new Mumford, it is described as a ?LEED Silver Certified state-of-the-art facility and will offer academic core areas, a high-tech media center, modern science laboratories, a courtyard student quad, and a community health clinic.?? Mumford is one of 15 schools that has been taken out of the Detroit Public School system and assigned to Michigan?s Educational Achievement Authority?a statewide district set up for managing struggling schools.? The new Mumford will open in the fall.

Mumford High, 1967.

For those of us who grew up in a city that was at one time vibrant and had one of the best school systems in the country, it has been difficult to watch its decay.? We have seen the closing and destruction of automobile plants, the magnificent J. L. Hudson?s Department Store building, Tiger Stadium, and other landmarks with no effort made to preserve even a fraction of their historical significance. But even sadder for me is to watch the destruction of my old high school, once one of the top schools in the city.? It? is one more icon, a school built in 1949 with distinctive blue tile and an art deco architecture, which with proper maintenance and care could well have lasted a few more decades.

It is fairly easy to dismiss the decline of education in Detroit on its failing economy and its accompanying social ills and even for some to make sweeping accusations about the low cognitive ability of Detroit?s student population.? But the decline of education is not limited to Detroit.? It has been happening across the U.S. for quite some time, although not as catastrophically as in Detroit.? The vision of education in this country for many decades has been education and equity for all.? In fact, the history of the equity problems and their solutions in the U.S. has its parallels in the history of education in Detroit.? It is a story of how the fight to eliminate inequity in education has actually increased it.

The educational system in the U.S. has historically pitted many groups against each other? skin color was not the only determinant. Children from farms rather than from cities, and children of immigrants, for example, were often assumed to be inferior in cognitive ability and treated accordingly.

Mirel (1993) (an education professor at University of Michigan who has done much research in the history of the Detroit Public School system) points out that during the depression of the 30?s in Detroit as in the U.S as a whole, the push in education was to keep graduation rates steady and prevent drop outs.? With the deficit of work, the thinking was that it was better to have young people in school than out with nothing to do.? The general curriculum in Detroit at that time was experiencing a large number of failure rates.? To keep the students off the streets, courses were made easier.? ?Descriptive? science courses were introduced in lieu of lab-based courses and focused on useful topics such as how vacuum cleaners worked.? ?Relevance? was the watchword just as ?engagement? is now.?? Topics such as traffic safety were woven into classes such as civics, and schools offered courses in personal standards, focusing on topics such as diet, dress, etiquette and personal hygiene.? Girls were offered courses on ?Appearing to Advantage, ?Homemaking?, ?Use of Leisure Time? and ?Bride and Trousseau?.?

This pattern continued long past the depression, past World War II and into the 50?s and 60?s, during which time the influx of African Americans from the south into Detroit continued because of the well-paying factory jobs.? Curricula in high schools had evolved into four different types: college-preparatory, vocational (e.g., plumbing, metal work, electrical, auto), trade-oriented (e.g., accounting, secretarial), and general.? Students were tracked into the various curricula based on IQ and other standardized test scores as well as other criteria.? By the mid-60?s, Mirel (1993) documents that most of the predominantly black high schools in Detroit had become ?general track? institutions that consisted of watered down curricula and ?needs based? courses that catered to student interests and life relevance. Social promotion had become the norm within the general track, in which the philosophy was to demand as little as possible of the students.

During the period of the 50?s and early 60?s, Mumford had been one of the premier high schools in Detroit, competing with Cass Tech?a magnet school in the downtown area that had admission requirements?for the academic achievements of its students.? Mumford was located in northwest Detroit which was a mix of working class, middle and upper middle class neighborhoods.? Though predominantly Jewish, the northwest section was also home to upper middle class African Americans who attended Mumford (Graham; 1999).

Northwest Detroit started to experience the phenomenon of white flight starting in the late fifties.? The flight began in the twenties, starting in a more central area of Detroit?an area that would be the site of the riots to occur in the summer of 1967?that had also been predominantly Jewish in the 20?s through the 40?s. The flight?s trajectory continued and by the 60?s included northwest Detroit where I was living, and would continue to the suburbs.? The demographic of Mumford was changing as well.?? According to Mirel (1993), 22 percent of black students were in the general track by 1967 with whites making up only 2 percent of the general track despite it being one of the most academically oriented high schools in the city.

After graduation, most boys who were in the general and vocation tracks in Detroit were drafted and sent to Viet Nam.? Boys in the college prep track who went on to college, on the other hand, were given a draft deferment status which students in the general and vocational tracks did not receive.? The role of the draft policies at the time of Viet Nam played no small part in contributing to the recognition of inequity between white and blacks.? One key manifestation of the tension occurred in April of 1966 when the students of Northern High School?largely black at that time?staged a massive walkout in protest of the principal?s decision to ban an editorial in the school paper that protested the ?inferior education? and lack of college prep courses at Northern.? Northern had been a premier academic institution in the 20?s, 30?s and 40?s.? With the influx of blacks into the high school, Northern had become a general track school.

The summer of 1967 brought the riots that ultimately escalated the white flight to the suburbs, and brought in its wake racial rifts from which some say Detroit has never recovered.? In the years shortly following the riots, there were efforts to decentralize and desegregate schools?met with protest from the white communities that would be affected.? A friend of mine attended Cooley High School (located a few miles away from Mumford). In 1968 he witnessed a race riot that occurred at the school in April of that year, shortly after Martin Luther King was assassinated. He described it as follows:

?It really was a travesty, particularly in that the kids fighting were the ones in tech programs, being streamed into Viet Nam. ?Cooley was half black, half white and a powder keg as long as I was there. ? I went back to visit a year after I graduated ? the white exodus occurred and Cooley had become almost entirely black.? Achievement?was up, violence was down ? it had transformed into a 50?s middle class school.?

My friend?s description is apt in a way that he may not have realized when he wrote it.? To his eyes, achievement looked like it was on the rise as it did in many schools.? Change had in fact come to Northern to address the protest of a few years back and it came to Cooley, Mumford and other predominantly black schools in Detroit. But the change came in the form of more ?relevance?, focusing on black history, black culture, the arts, dance, and creative writing.? The feeling was that the outlying suburban schools (where the whites had now fled) had a college prep curriculum that was ?white-based? and did not reflect the needs, values or interests of the black community.? As Mirel (1993) states, ?it was a matter of community control?not curriculum reform.?

The reforms in the Detroit schools were consistent with reforms brought about across the U.S. during the 60?s and 70?s, by radical critics of schools such as Jonathan Kozol.? These reformers brought accusations of sadistic and racist teachers, said to be hostile to children and who lacked innovation in pedagogy.? ?Traditional? schooling was seen as an instrument of oppression and schools were recast in a new, ?hipper? interpretation of what educational progressivism was supposed to be about.? In moving away from the way things were, the education establishment?s goal was to restore equity to students rather than maintaining the tracking that created dividing lines between social class and race.?? The end product however was a merging of general track with college prep with the result that college prep was becoming student-centered and needs-based with lower standards, and less homework assigned.? Classes such as Film Making and Cooking for Singles were offered, and requirements for English and History courses were reduced if not dropped.? Social class and race was no longer a barrier for such classes as evidenced by the increasing numbers of white students who began taking them.? With the requirements for graduation being diminished in the ?general? track as a result of the student-centered fad, this track saw an increase in students from 12 percent in the late 60?s to 42 percent by the late 70?s. (Ravitch, 2003).

Currently, high schools have an honors/AP track, and a general track.? The general track consists of less rigorous courses and represents a lower level of education.? Qualification for the honors/AP track starts before high school, and in elementary and middle schools, there is also a two-tier system.? The higher tier (starting at about third grade) is the gifted and talented track.? In general, this track provides teacher-directed traditional instruction at or above grade level.? For students who do not qualify (and the criteria for qualifying vary, with differing definitions of what constitutes ?giftedness?), they are placed in classes with students of varying abilities.? As such, they are subjected to a one-size-fits-all curriculum that involves student-centered group activities, and project-oriented approaches to learning.? This educational approach is guided by an undying faith led by the educational establishment that all we need to do is teach students how to learn, how to think critically and that facts and content are things they can look up (on Google) on a ?just in time? basis whenever they really need to know.?? For many students, the approach is a guarantee that they will not be able to handle honors or AP courses in high school.

The elimination of inequity and tracking, therefore, has evolved to a two track system starting in lower grades and continuing on in high school.? Those students not considered ?smart enough for the gifted programs? are consigned to the lower track. ?This may not be the case if they get the skills and knowledge they need from elsewhere (tutors, learning centers, parents).? But in low income areas, this is probably not very common.? It certainly is not common in Detroit.

In the meantime, there is a push for more technology in the schools, as if SmartBoards in every classroom and an iPad for every student is the answer. The tearing down of Mumford and the building of a state-of-the-art high school are indicative of what education has now become. As in Detroit, the U.S. as a whole has long observed the demolition of education in the US; helpless to do anything about it, and given promises of great progress and changes for the future.

Barry Garelick has written extensively about math education in various publications including Education Next, Educational Leadership, and Education News. He recently retired and has obtained his credential to teach math (middle school/high school) in California.


Graham, Lawrence Otis.? 1999.? Our Kind of People.? HarperCollins; New York.

Mirel, Jeffrey; David L. Angus.? Equality, Curriculum, and the Decline of the Academic Ideal: Detroit, 1930-68; History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Summer, 1993), pp. 177-207

Ravitch, D.? (2003) The Test of Time.? Education Next. Spring.? Available at:


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Anushka Sharma, actress Anushka Sharma, Anushka Sharma ...

Cute Actress Anushka Sharma Profile:

Anushka Sharma

Anushka Sharma

Name: Anushka Sharma
Date of Birth: 01 May 1988
Place of Birth: Bangalore
Height: 5? 9? (1.75 m)
Occupation: Model, Actress
Debut Film: Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

Anushka Sharma childhood photo

Anushka Sharma childhood photo

Anushka Sharma is an Indian actress and former model who appears in Hindi films. In 2008, she was signed by Aditya Chopra for a three-film contract with Yash Raj Films and made her screen debut in Chopra?s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. She later received acclaim for her role as Shruti Kakkar in Band Baaja Baaraat (2010). Both films fetched her a Best Actress nomination at the Filmfare Awards ceremony.[Anushka Sharma is the girl who got a golden chance to make her debut in a Yash Raj Film, and that too opposite Shah Rukh Khan!

Anushka Sharma with parents

Anushka Sharma with parents

Early Life:
Anushka Sharma is born to Col. Ajay Kumar Sharma, an officer in the Indian Army and Ashima Sharma, a home maker. Although her parents are from Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Anushka was born in Bangalore. She also has an elder brother named Karnesh. Karnesh used to play cricket at state level and is in the Merchant Navy. Anushka studies in the Army School and graduated in arts from Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru. Later she shifted to Mumbai in order to pursue her career as a model and make it big in the world of fashion.

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi movie still

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi movie still

Early Career:
Initially Anushka thought of making it big in the fashion industry as a model. She had no dreams of acting in films then. She even said once, ?I can?t see myself doing anything else?. Fortunately she was chosen to be Wendell Rodrick?s model at the Lakme Fashion Week for his Les Vamps Show. Later she was picked to be Rodrick?s finale model at the Spring Summer 2007 Collection. Anushka Sharma enrolled with the Elite Modeling Agency. Yash Chopra was looking for someone to essay the role of a small town Punjab girl. Elite Modeling Agency sent Anushka?s portfolio to Yash Raj Studio and in 2008, she got her dream debut in Aditya Chopra?s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi where she portrayed the role of Taani. It was a dream debut in all regards. Firstly, she got paired with Shah Rukh Khan who is one of the leading actors of Bollywood in her very first movie and secondly, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi became a box office success. The songs were popular and her role stood apart even opposite SRK.

Ladies VS Ricky Bahl movie still

Ladies VS Ricky Bahl movie still

Other mainstream movies:
Although Anushka Sharma became a household name soon after the popularity of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, other directors, film makers and producers could not rope her in their films to invest on her new found success. This was because of the fact that she was bound by a three film contract with Yash Raj Films. That is why the year 2009 did not see her taking part in any films. Anushka?s second film, Badmaash Company made under the banner of Yash Raj Films was released on 7 May, 2010. The cast also included Shahid Kapoor, Meiyang Chang and Vir Das in the other roles. The film was an average grosser at the Bollywood box office. The film got mixed bag of reviews from the film critics.

Anushka Sharma, Shah Rukh Khan

Anushka Sharma, Shah Rukh Khan

In the year 2010 itself, Anushka Sharma completed her part of the three film contract with the Yash Raj Films by starring in Band Baaja Baaraat, a romantic comedy. This film was released on 10 December, 2010 and also marked the debut of newcomer Ranveer Singh as actor and Maneesh Sharma as the director. The story of this film revolved around the business of wedding planning.

Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh

Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh

Anushka Sharma played the role of Shruti Kakkar, a typical Delhi Punjabi girl who has the dreams of setting up her own wedding planning company. Anushka herself commented that Band Baaja Baaraat was her best film till date. Band Baaja Baaraat went on to become a sleeper hit. The film grossed INR 21.44 crore. This was the first time in her three films acting career that a film?s success rested entirely on the shoulders of Anushka Sharma (who was just two films old than her co star, the debutant Ranveer Singh). Anushka went on to win several awards for her acting in Band Baaja Baaraat. The only time she won so many awards was after the success of her first film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. Ending her three film contract with the Yash Raj Studios, Anushka started filming for her fourth film titled Patiala House alongside Nikhil Advani and Akshay Kuamr. This was her first venture outside the Yash Raj camp. Patiala House released on 11 February, 2011. The film was an average grosser at the box office but Anushka?s performance was critically acclaimed once again.

Anushka Sharma at Nivea 100 years Event

Anushka Sharma at Nivea 100 years Event

In December 2011 she was back with her Ban Baaja Baaraat team for her fourth film with the Yash Raj Films. The film titled Ladies VS Ricky Bahl featured Ranveer Singh as her co actor and was directed by Maneesh Sharma. This film however did not do too well at the Bollywood box office. As of 2012, Anushka is set to appear in Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola which is in the pre production stage and is busy shooting her fifth film under the banner of Yash Raj Films. The name of this film is yet to be decided.

Anushka Sharma at Apsara Awards red carpet event

Anushka Sharma at Apsara Awards red carpet event

2008 Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
2010 Badmaash Company
2010 Band Baaja Baaraat
2011 Patiala House
2011 Ladies VS Ricky Bahl
2012 Yash Chopra?s Untitled Project
2013 Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola
2013 Bombay Velvet
2013 Peekay

Anushka Sharma awards

Anushka Sharma awards

Filmfare Awards
2009: Filmfare Best Actress Award; Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
2009: Filmfare Best Female Debut Award; Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
2011: Filmfare Best Actress Award; Band Baaja Baaraat

Star Screen Awards
2008: Star Screen Award for Most Promising Newcomer ? Female; Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
2011: Star Screen Award for Best Actress; Band Baaja Baaraat

Apsara Film and Television Producers Guild Awards
2009: Best Debut (Female); Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
2011: Best Actress in a Leading Role; Band Baaja Baaraat

Zee Cine Awards
2011: Zee Cine Award for Best Actor ? Female; Band Baaja Baaraat


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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Draghi: ECB to do "whatever it takes" to save euro

FILE - In this July 5, 2012 file photo President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi speaks during a news conference in Frankfurt, central Germany. Draghi said in an interview with French daily Le Monde posted on the bank's website Saturday, July 21, 2012, that predictions of a eurozone "explosion" underestimate "the political capital that our leaders have invested in this union, as well as the support of European citizens." (AP Photo/dapd, Mario Vedder, File)

FILE - In this July 5, 2012 file photo President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi speaks during a news conference in Frankfurt, central Germany. Draghi said in an interview with French daily Le Monde posted on the bank's website Saturday, July 21, 2012, that predictions of a eurozone "explosion" underestimate "the political capital that our leaders have invested in this union, as well as the support of European citizens." (AP Photo/dapd, Mario Vedder, File)

(AP) ? European Central Bank head Mario Draghi promised Thursday to do whatever it could to protect the European single currency and sent a strong signal that the central bank has the high borrowing costs that are crippling countries like Spain and Italy in its sights.

Draghi, speaking at a global investment conference hosted by the British government, said that the bank would "do whatever it takes to preserve the euro" and added, "believe me, it will be enough."

Fears about the 17 countries that use the euro have intensified over the past few weeks. Spain and Italy, in particular, are finding it increasingly difficult to raise money on the debt markets due to spiraling borrowing costs. Spain's bond interest rates have hit record highs recently. That has raised fears the country may be the next to see a bailout from the other eurozone countries ? after Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus.

Spain's economy ? the eurozone's fourth largest ? is much bigger than the other three countries combined and would strain the financing available to the eurozone's bailout funds.

In a question-and-answer session with global business leaders in London for the Olympics, Draghi discussed the high borrowing costs being imposed on some countries' bonds, saying that "they come within our mandate" ? as long as those costs stop the ECB's interest rate policies from being implemented across the eurozone.

Stocks across Europe rose on Draghi's comments. Britain's FTSE traded up 1.7 percent, Germany's DAX index rose 2.9 percent and France's CAC 40 rose almost 4 percent. Spain's main IBEX stock index rose 5.5 percent while Italy saw a 5.4 percent rise in its stock prices.

The ECB has already used similar reasoning to make limited purchases of government bonds in the past with the aim of driving down a government's borrowing costs. The bank must walk a careful line, however ? because the EU treaty forbids it from using its monetary powers to help government finances directly.

The ECB previously conducted a limited bond purchase program accumulated over ?200 billion in bonds. But it had little effect on bond yields, and has been left dormant for several months despite pleas from Spain for help.

The eurozone's current bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, had some ?440 billion in lending power, but most of that is already committed to bailouts for Greece, Ireland and Portugal. A permanent fund, the European Stability Mechanism, would have some ?500 billion, but is awaiting ratification by eurozone member countries and will not come on line until fall. And ?100 billion of that is already committed to rescuing Spanish banks from collapsing due to bad real estate loans.

That leaves the ECB once again as the chief crisis fighter, a role it has fulfilled despite the legal restrictions on what it can do. It loaned ?1 trillion in cheap money to banks in December and February, consisten with its role as lender of last resorts to banks.

Any effort to bail out governments, however, remains deeply controversial.

Many officials and economists, particularly in Germany, are wary of the EU treaty's ban on financing governments. There are also concerned that rescue efforts from the central bank will simply take pressure off politicians to do unpopular things such as cut spending and change labor market rules.

Associated Press


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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Show airing on July 21: Lieutenant Colonel Dedrye Teyhen ...


Lieutenant Colonel Deydre S. Teyhen was born in Canton, Ohio. After completing her Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science from Ohio Wesleyan University, she was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1993. She earned her Master?s in Physical Therapy from the U.S. Army-Baylor University in 1995. LTC Teyhen completed her PhD in Biomechanics from the University of Texas in 2004 and her Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy from the Baylor University in 2008. She is a board-certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, a certified Health Fitness Instructor from the American College of Sports Medicine, and a certified Health Promotion Director through the Cooper Institute.


Prior to becoming the Commander, Public Health Command Region-South, LTC Teyhen served as an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Physical Therapy Research in the U.S. Army-Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy at Ft Sam Houston, TX. She was also the Chair of both the Graduate School Research Council and the Army Medical Specialists Corps Research Committee. While on faculty, LTC Teyhen served as a research consultant for the Spine Research Center at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and the Center for the Intrepid at Brooke Army Medical Center. She is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee, Neuromusculoskeletal Injury and Rehabilitation for the Clinical and Rehabilitation Medical Research Area Directorate for the U.S. Medical Research & Material Command. LTC Teyhen currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. LTC Teyhen?s research has focused on injury prevention and rehabilitation with a special emphasis on Soldier medical readiness. Her research accomplishments include over 4 million dollars in research grants, over 40 peer-reviewed publications, 80 research presentations at state, national, and international conferences, and 90 invited lectures.


LTC Teyhen?s past assignments include Officer-in-Charge of Task Force 10 Delta Med (a level III compatible medical treatment facility) in Al Kut, Iraq; Chief of Musculoskeletal Care Center and Chief of Physical Therapy at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, Ft Meade MD; Chief of Outpatient Physical Therapy at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington D.C.; Chief Physical Therapy, 21st Combat Support Hospital in Tuzla, Bosnia; and physical therapist at Darnall Army Community Hospital, Ft Hood, TX.


LTC Teyhen is a graduate of the Army Medical Department?s Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, Combined Arms and Services Staff School and Command and General Staff College. Her military education also includes completion of the Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualty Course, the Applied Ergonomics Course, the COL Kersey Neuromusculoskeletal Evaluation Course, and the COL Mary Lipscomb Hamrick Research Course.


Awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), Army Commendation Medal (1 oak leaf cluster), Army Achievement Medal (2 oak leaf clusters), National Defense Service Medal (1 service star), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal (2 campaign stars), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and the NATO Medal. Furthermore, she has been inducted into the Army Medical Department?s Order of Military Medical Merit and the Surgeon General?s ?A? proficiency Designator for Physical Therapy. LTC Teyhen was awarded the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the University of Texas in 2004; she was the 2006 recipient of the William Gould Memorial Outstanding Physical Therapy Faculty Award, Texas Physical Therapy Association and the 2008 recipient of the Margaret L. Moore Award for Outstanding New Academic Faculty Member, American Physical Therapy Association. In 2009, LTC Teyhen received the Colonel Mary Lipscomb Hamrick Army Medical Specialists Corps Researcher Award and the Texas Physical Therapy Association Researcher of the Year Award.


LTC Teyhen is married to her husband COL John V. Teyhen, III who currently is serving as the Director, Center for Health Education and Training, Army Medical Department Center & School. Their goal is to run a marathon in all 50 states.


Colonel John Teyhen received a ROTC commission into the Medical Service Corps as a Field Medical Assistant in December 1985.? While completing undergraduate and graduate school, he served as a Civil Affair Officer with the 489th Civil Affairs Company.? Upon completion of graduate school, COL Teyhen was assigned as the Division Environmental Science Officer for the 8th Infantry Division.? While there, he deployed to Iraq with Joint Task Force Bravo.? Subsequently, he served as Chief, Preventive Medicine, Joint Task Force Bravo ? Honduras; Chief Environmental Health, Darnall Army Community Hospital, Fort Hood, Texas; Executive Officer, 25th Medical Detachment (PM) is support of Operation Uphold Democracy Haiti; Commander, 224th Medical Detachment (PM) Fort Hood, Texas and Bosnia; Program Manager, Army Health Hazard Assessment Program, Center for Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine (CHPPM); Environmental Health Consultant, Great Plains Regional Medical Center (GPRMC); and Chief Environmental Quality Branch, Army Medical Center & School (AMEDDC&S).? Additionally he has deployed to Nicaragua and Kenya as a member Special Medical Augmentation Response Teams for natural disasters.? Colonel Teyhen recently completed a tour as the Deputy Command Surgeon for US Army South/6th Army before returning to the AMEDDC&S as the Chief, Department of Preventive Health Services.? He has recently assumed the duties as the Director, Center for Health Education & Training.


Colonel Teyhen holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Austin Peay State University and a Master of Public Health in Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety from the University of Tennessee.? During graduate school, he completed an internship with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and also completed a Training with Industry (TWI) assignment with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters in Washington DC.? He is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA).


During his military career, Colonel Teyhen has completed the Medical Strategic Leadership Program, Defense Strategy Course, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Combined Armed Services Staff School, and Army Medical Department Officer Basic and Advanced Courses.? He has earned a variety of awards as well as the Expert Field Medical Badge, Basic Parachutist Badge, and Air Assault Badge.? He is also a member of the Order of Military Medical Merit.


Colonel Teyhen is married to Lieutenant Colonel Deydre S. Teyhen, currently serving as the Commander of Public Health Command ? Region South.



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Friday, July 20, 2012

The Fall and Rise of the Dark Knight-the Difficulties of Batman?s Life While He Exists

[In 2008, JR Minkel interviewed me about my first book ?Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero? and produced the article ?The Dark Knight Shift?Why Batman Could Exist, But Not For Long?. This blog post, an update on some of my thinking about Batman since JR?s article and the publication of my book, is dedicated to his memory. JR was a real-life superhero of science journalism.]

In 1989, editor and writer Dennis O?Neil wrote ?Batman is the most realistic of the great superheroes?. The veneer of reality around the Dark Knight continues to captivate. Batman is one of a fairly small group of comic book superheroes with a feel of ?possibility? about them. Iron Man has a similar feel too, so does Captain America.

Examining those possibilities formed the central themes in my Becoming Batman and Inventing Iron Man books. They make great foils for exploring the limits of human biology and technology. Batman represents the pinnacle of human performance and is a perfect superhero to think about when exploring possibilities.

In comic books, graphic novels, and movies, Batman has risen and fallen many times since his debut in Detective Comics #27 in May of 1939. The just completed trilogy of Christopher Nolan?spanning Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012)?is as authentic a portrayal of the grim realities of Batman?s fictional universe we?re likely to see. And a big part of that reality is the physical toll on the human playing the part of superhero.

Since 2008 I?ve continued to ponder the physical demands that would accumulate while being Batman after becoming Batman. And how Batman in action would have to modify and adapt his modus operandi depending on who he was fighting. Particularly when fighting villains that are the lowest of the low, the nastiest of the nasty, the?you get what I mean. Foes like Joker and Bane. Those who have been so clearly represented as evil incarnate in the comic books and movies in which they featured.

Let?s begin with why, when viewed through the lens of science, Joker and Bane are such difficult adversaries. And how Batman?s own moral code of honor make things so much easier for them. This will lead into some special modifications and adaptations Batman might use to get an edge on those guys or to protect himself from (even worse) injuries?

So, why are Joker and Bane so difficult to beat anyway?

Some of the villains Batman fights seem to be incredibly durable and difficult to defeat. Why is that? In ?The Dark Knight??we see Joker holding his own against Batman in many of their fights. He doesn?t yield to Batman?s superiority. The Joker doesn?t have the training and prowess of Batman, so how is that possible? It all has to do with sensation. The Joker isn?t sensible but is he insensate?

Batman?s approach to crime fighting reflects a ?force response options? continuum in policing. A police officer will increase the level of force needed depending upon the level of threat. In policing, the officer always uses a one-over approach. Batman, meanwhile, typically responds in kind. A version of Batman?s approach taken from ?Becoming Batman? is shown in the illustration. The ?x? at the top means Batman never uses lethal force. In real policing lethal force is a legitimate and necessary option moving up the continuum.

Use of force diagram, by the author

Use of force diagram, by the author

For safety, police must always be one level higher on the continuum than the bad guys. Officers do not fight hand to hand unless they have to. Instead, a baton is against empty hand, a gun versus a knife, and so on. We expect our police to be able to finish their shifts and return home safely.

To avoid killing, Batman uses his opponents??bodies against them to evoke protective reactions. Nociceptors are receptors detecting actual or impending tissue damage. They relay this information to the spinal cord where they evoke very powerful defensive responses. If you have ever stepped on a very sharp rock while walking barefoot or accidentally touched a hot stove top you will remember the rapid pullback you had of your foot or hand. These signals also arrive in the brain where they may be interpreted as ?pain.?

Batman, in the tradition of martial artists the world over, uses those defensive responses to manipulate his opponents. He hurts rather than harms and tries to intimidate rather than inflict permanent damage. Making a use of force continuum work requires extreme skill, poise, and confidence. It also requires an intact and normally functioning nervous system in your opponent.

Emotional state and drugs like cocaine can significantly alter nociception and pain processing. This makes implementing force response options the way they were intended very difficult. Bodies that can?t feel pain can?t be made compliant by hurt. This raises the question, maybe guys like Joker and Bane can?t feel pain anyway. Is that possible?

In 1932 George van Ness Dearborn wrote a medical paper called ?A case of congenital general pure analgesia? in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. The subject of this obscure paper was a 54-year-old man who could not ?recall any pain except headache? for his entire life.

This condition is now known as a very rare (less than a hundred such cases reported in the medical literature) inherited medical syndrome called ?congenital insensitivity to pain?. People with this condition are unable to sense nociceptive signals warning of tissue damage.

In these cases, generally the neurons that should bring nociceptive signals to the spinal cord and up to the brain are working, but the processing of these signals into pain isn?t happening in the normal way. A lot remains to be discovered about congenital insensitivity to pain but recent advances are helping to narrow down the genetic underpinnings.

It might seem this would be a huge benefit for Joker or Bane to have. And for sure it is now that they have lived to be adults and are taking on Batman all the time. But people without the ability to sense pain are in very real danger most of the time. Pain is protective and lots of danger can arise if we don?t have pain to help regulate what we do.

We are shaped by our genetics and the sum of our life experiences. In addition to the many life events they both experienced en route to becoming career criminals and terrorists, I suggest Bane and Joker share the inherited disorder of insensitivity to pain. This gives them both the ability to face extreme punishment in fighting and carry on. Sounds like Joker and Bane for sure.

In Bane?s case you can also add in the pharmacological mix of steroids and stimulants that are part of his ?venom? mix to produce a foe where the normal rules of engagement are difficult to implement. And even in trying to implement them, a serious level of physical violence will be directed to and at Batman. Repeatedly. What can he do to prepare for this even higher-than-normal-for-Batman level of violence?

What revisions to the Batsuit are needed to protect against Bane and avoid concussion and spinal cord injury?

Every iteration of Batman in every medium illustrates massive injuries Batman sustains. Or I mean should sustain if a real human were subjected to anything near his level of punishment. Repeated exposure to injury events is called ?cumulative trauma disorder?. Concussion is probably the most worrisome form of repeated exposure Batman experiences

But hold on. Batman wears a fancy ultra tech Batsuit, remember? Won?t the suit protect him from injury? Certainly the suit is great against fire and works like a fantastic bullet-proof vest against projectile and puncture injuries. But there?s a human body inside the Batsuit and that body is undergoing some serious accelerations as a result of being hit (e.g. by Bane) or hitting things (e.g. wall, cars, the ground when falling or being thrown?also by Bane). Those impacts produce angular accelerations that produce concussions.

I explored the issue of concussion in superhero-heads in detail in Becoming Batman and Inventing Iron Man. What I want to address here is this: based on our current and near-future science, what kind of helmet should Bruce build into the Batsuit now?

For the answer to this question I turned to Peter Cripton, inventor, associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of British Columbia and a member of the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, an international spinal cord injury research center based in Vancouver, BC.

Peter?s?research is in neurotrauma, helmet design and performance. He figures that in choosing a helmet design for the Batsuit, Batman would draw on his extensive previous experience crime fighting where he had frequent head impacts. Both in the context of hand to hand combat and in vehicle crashes and collisions.

When he just starting up, Bruce Wayne spent a lot of time coming up with the overall look and design of the Batsuit and he would want to make sure any new tech fit with the overall terrifying aesthetic. That is, the look that is those who ??are a cowardly and superstitious lot?.

So what is new? Contemporary helmets consist of a hard outer shell (distributes the load) combined with a softer impact padding that is next to the head. This layer deforms to absorbs energy in a head impact. Your bike helmet is a simple example of this approach. New materials and structures are being developed to provide an improved extent of concussion protection in head impacts.

Batman might choose a new padding material like PoronXRD . This advanced open cell foam has viscoelastic characteristics that allow it to absorb more energy at any given thickness than contemporary padding.

The outer shell under his cowl should have state-of-the art properties as well. Some new helmets use a ?second skin? close fitting shell on the outside of the helmet?s original hard outer shell. These skins absorb some of the energy from an oblique impact. This reduces the angular rotation of the head that causes rotation of the brain and leads to concussion.

The Swedish-designed multiple impact protection system (MIPS) uses this approach. Instead of the energy of impact leading to rotation of the head, the second skin rotates on the outer shell. I think it?s a given that Bruce Wayne would use this in the next Batsuit upgrade. This approach would keep Batman?s headgear thin and small while offering the advanced and improved brain injury protection.

But what about mechanical damage to the neck from all those impacts? Bane had an extended storyline in Batman comics from the early 1990s (the Knightfall and Knight Saga story arc). In Batman #497 in 1993 Bane actually ?breaks? Batman?s back in the story ?The Broken Bat?. Bane inflicts the most severe injury Batman has ever had in his entire almost 75 year existence.

Given what he knows and this experience, I think Batman would be very concerned about neck damage and the possibility of spinal cord injury (SCI). Peter suggested that the final feature that Batman would choose to incorporate is the Pro-Neck-Tor (PNT).

The PNT helmet protects against neck fractures (i.e. broken necks and paralysis) from axial forces in head-first impacts. In the real world these can occur when a hockey player is checked from behind into the boards or when a football player is driven headfirst into another player or the ground. A schematic of the Pro-Neck-Tor in simulated action is shown in the image.

Peter Cripton

Image by Peter Cripton

Similar to the MIPS helmet, the PNT uses a second skin outer shell. But here the outer shell offset from the inner shell and there are guides on either side of the head. Upon impact the guides deploy and the head is allowed a small amount of yes/no nodding forward or backward. This keeps the head moving relative to the impact surface and decreases the neck loads while also decreasing head accelerations and the potential for concussion. It?s a win/win for Batman.

Overall, becoming Batman is an arduous process taking almost 2 decades of training. Once he?s there, he has to fight guys like Joker, Bane, and his entire Rogues Gallery on a nightly basis. It?s an uphill battle, but Batman the scientist is well prepared to always give himself the best edge possible. And when he does fall, after the injuries inflicted by Bane, he draws on the ?will to act? and all his resources to rise again.



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SEO Tips for Better Internet Marketing Performance | Musings of ...

Search engine marketing has really been an important aspect in business advertising. The net has changed the way we do business and just how we communicate for probable negotiations or joint efforts. It offered all sorts of organizations the capability to aim for general audiences. And also, it facilitated companies to identify more particular demographics for their target audience.

The arrival of internet provided equal competition to small, medium, and large organizations. This is the reason why website marketing was a boom in the promotion arena. It made possible for all to stand out and be taken note of. Therefore, having a search engine marketing approach is a sensible way to make your company more prominent and exposed.

But before you initiate the big step, it is essential to understand first the technology behind it. It is because the strength of the internet is in some way mind-boggling. The method that you have to make relies on the search engine guidelines. And these search engines like Google modifies its algorithm time by time. So you have to keep yourself up with the pace. You must always be updated with the current adjustments such as Panda and Penguin refreshes. That way, you can comply with every predicament and develop a great technique for every transformation.

Particularly, Panda refers to the on page aspects including written content quality, web page design and navigation, and keyword and key phrase quality. On the flip side, Penguin inspects link density and diversity. Google is presenting at all times that high quality content articles are always king in the search engines. High quality content is often identified as fresh, legible, and not cloned. It is also exactly about website usability. Google does not necessarily be concerned about your company. Their major consideration are the end users. Google desires to hand them over the good user experience possible. And this can be accomplished by posting good quality results in the primary pages of Google.

In terms of links, the newest Penguin update recommends webmasters to utilize key phrases that straightly point to your web address, business name, brand name, and other kinds of naked links. For search engines, this is more natural instead of over optimising your main keyword. To rank properly, it is important to harmonize your link diversity. This is because diversified links and anchor texts appear natural in the eyes of Google.

Before employing these approaches, you have to figure out first the type of business you are involved with. Take note that keyword research and understanding how your targets act and have interaction online are necessary primary actions before venturing to the backlinking game. It is also best if you investigate the performance of your competitors and judge whether you can match them or not. Moreover, you can also find out points and techniques from them that may be applied to yours too as well. But usually, this type of tactical approach can be a trial and error course of action for individuals that are new in internet marketing. You will need time to fully understand the market industry and ways to react or perhaps benefit from it. To manage up with this plan of action, you may need software tools that will quickly provide you with information regarding the market potential for each certain search term. Always handle your keyword as a market that you have to develop in. Always bear in mind that the conversion of your services tremendously relies on the search phrase that you are seeking to rank for.

This post is based on Shane Walker?s perspective of a succesful SEO marketing campaign. Shane is the CEO of Rapid SEO Expert, which is one of the leading SEO companies in Australia. To know more about Shane what he brints to the SEO table, just click here.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

5 Critical And Simple Self Improvement Advice Which You Can Use

These effective personal improvement suggestions are the best way to begin your own personal development as a way to drive your self to better levels of accomplishment and fulfillment. In case you are be someone that?s keen on your own improvement along with personal cultivation, you could be looking for effective methods for arousing development. You?re probably also in need of tactics which will certainly ensure your very own improvement and assist you to accomplish good results.

After spending over a decade learning individual achievement, I decided to provide you with these five basic self improvement methods as a mode of giving back and also enabling men or women just like you to reach much more achievements later on in life. Stop by additional information on here?

Day-by-day Writing

Should you analyze the truly great high achievers of the historical past, you will realise that the majority of these kind of people turned out to be passionate writers. Having an every day journal enables you to express your ideas and also generate a feeling involving self-awareness which will give you the capacity redesign yourself in a moment?s notice and help you to construct unshakable self belief.

Wanting to Win

Folks who accomplish excellent things later on in life are not cleverer or more competent as compared to the average human being. Having said that, they undertake one important thing completely different that lots of wise people have a tough time accomplishing: these people are expecting to triumph, even before they understand how they?ll do it.

Developing targets won?t involve expertise of how the targets would be accomplished. When you start from a foundation of bold expectancy, what?s left is only a question of dedication. Make sure you visit excellent resources on deliberate creation here?

Creating Aims and Blueprints of Routines

The common practice pertaining to writing down clear and precise objectives and methods of procedures for accomplishing those goals is important if you wish to fulfill something. This is because writing down your ultimate goals specifies them and even commences creating an expectation in your thoughts. Furthermore, having drafted plans gives an actual group of actions to take each day for the achievement of your respective long-term aspiration.

Be more Well Rounded

The approach of individual growth will have to be holistic. Nearly every part of your way of life influences some other aspect both directly or indirectly. Should your relationships are out of order, it would influence your quality of life and your monetary situation. Should your health is out of order it would hamper your individual progress and cause it more challenging to successfully obtain the momentum to achieve any of your desired goals. Have a look at additional strategies on achieve success here?

Fantastic Statements

Constructive affirmations possess the ability to improve your innermost dialogue that can truly change your personality, your disposition, your actions as well as your life. For perfect outcomes, jot 1 wonderful statement for each and every of your major aspects of your lifestyle (wellness, working relationships, financial circumstances and job) and form a dedication to rehearsing it out loud 2 times a day.


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Home*School*Home: Speeding.

The summer is just speeding on by. ?The local schools start up on August first. ?That's only 13 days away. ?I haven't even cracked open the Rainbow Resource catalog. ?I haven't made any concrete plans as to what we are going to do this fall. ?I know that my daughter will be using the same writing and French (she makes a face every time I say this), ?son needs to work on spelling and writing, there will be science with notebooking and we'll do some grammar work. ?We might go back and do Grammar with a Giggle or possibly get the one for high schoolers. ?I think GWAG is for middle school. ?Speaking of speeding by, how quickly have our homeschooling years gone? ?I mean, we're going to have a college student and 2 high schoolers this year! ?Four years and we'll be done. ?:-(

We had an awful storm last night. ?It knocked out our electricity for 4 or 5 hours. ?We had no choice but to adorn ourselves with glow-stick bracelets and ?play board games. ? It made my younger son happy because he finally had someone to play Settlers of Catan with him. ?We really should do that more often. ?There for a while, we had board game day every third Sunday, but since my husband's work shift changed and now he works on Sunday, we've let that fall by the wayside. ?We need to start doing that again. ?


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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is toner necessary? ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

?Women around world are still confused about choosing their skin toner. Most of the others have even a doubt that toner is whether necessary or not. Let us discuss now the importance of skin toner and who can skip toner according to their skin type.

Importance of skin toner

  • A good skin toner helps in closing the open pores. While the cleansing process, we usually use warm water to cleanse away the dirt and impurities where the skin pores open up and expand. A refreshing toner can minimize and close the open pores to give that smooth looking skin look. It also prevents open pores staying on the surface of your skin permanently.
  • It cleanses out the left over makeup residues, oiliness and other dirt from the skin. So all you get is clean and clear smooth skin after using your skin toner!
  • pH of the skin is neutralized by your skin toner. When you are under medications for acne or other skin ailments your skin?s pH may be unbalanced. Salicylic acid in the toner helps in balancing your skin pH considerably.

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How to Use Social Media in Your Consultative Sales Process |

Social media?s continued growth indicates it has passed the ?fad? stage and is now a fixture in the marketing landscape. Some B2B sales organizations have been slow to develop social marketing strategies, and rightfully suspect the call of some gurus to abandon traditional outbound sales tactics. While social marketing enjoys certain benefits over traditional outbound methods, a good flesh-and-blood sales staff that has gone through professional sales training is still the best way to procure prospects and turn them into paying customers.

That being said, social media marketing is an excellent way to increase branding efforts and procure those aforementioned prospects when used in a professional manner. Here are some tips to help B2B marketers leverage social media.

1. Develop an editorial calendar

Rather than just randomly posting things when they ?have time,? salespeople seeking to leverage social media should set up an editorial calendar to guide the type of content to be published, when it will be released and on which platforms. This will keep things organized and tie in a salesperson?s efforts with company-wide campaigns to ride the momentum of such things as new product releases.

2. Cut the sales chatter

For salespeople with professional sales training experience in consultative selling, this tip should come as second nature. Social media is about providing value and building relationships. Think of it like a cocktail party: overtly pitching will turn people off. Add value with great information, and you will earn the right to ask for the business later on.

3. Leverage LinkedIn ? but don?t be obnoxious

LinkedIn is the king of B2B social media due to its more professional tone and wide adoption among business people. Some best practices:

? Build a complete profile, including resume, professional photo, etc. While recruiters use LinkedIn to check out prospects, so do business owners and corporate buyers with whom you are trying to get an appointment. Paint a thorough picture for them.

? Join relevant industry groups and post great information regularly on discussion boards. This is key to becoming a Top Influencer on LinkedIn.

? Keep it more professional than other social media sites. This means refrain from arguing and stay away from controversial topics such as politics or religion.

Every modern professional sales training program should cover LinkedIn best practices ? it is that important.

4. Curate content so you don?t have to write it all.

Content curation is not the same as simply republishing something verbatim. This not only violates the copyright of the creator, but demonstrates laziness. Instead, post a small excerpt from an interesting article, making relevant comments for your audience and linking to the original source.

Content curation on your own blog or social media profiles can help establish your thought leadership as someone ?in the know? who follows and respects other experts in his field.

5. Clean up your online presence

When trying to establish a professional social media presence, it is important to properly manage anything which might affect the desired online reputation and clean up unwanted material.

This means deleting unused MySpace accounts, ranting blog posts or comments written a decade ago, inappropriate Facebook photos and anything else which not only no longer reflects who you are, but might also be embarrassing. The point is to try to keep your online search results consistent when people search for you ? and avoid unflattering content from skewing your image.

Social media marketing should become part of every organization?s professional sales training. It is a very fluid, dynamic field that can provide new business in volume, but requires proactive management as existing platforms change and new ones come online.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ca-Fi 621000 brings infotainment to cars with double DIN / without Connect or Sync

Ca-Fi 621000 brings infotainment to cars with double DIN / without Connect or Sync

Shenzhen-based Innotrends has been pushing infotainment systems for a while now, and though standalone solutions like the Ca-Fi seem rather clunky when you can buy a Focus with Sync baked in, not everyone can count a flashy new "connected" model as their set of wheels. Today the company announced the latest version of its Android-powered infotainment system. The new Ca-Fi 621000 Universal runs Android Gingerbread and packs a 1GHz CPU with 512GB of RAM. It also sports a capacitive touchscreen rather than the resistive display of versions past, and there's an OBD2-USB cable, plus the pre-loaded Torque app for keeping tabs on your vehicle's health. If sprucing up your sedan is more in line with your budget than the 2013 BMW 7 Series with iDrive Touch and 3D maps, you can nab the Ca-Fi 621000 for $999 starting at the end of August -- just make sure your car has the requisite double-DIN slot first.

Continue reading Ca-Fi 621000 brings infotainment to cars with double DIN / without Connect or Sync

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Ca-Fi 621000 brings infotainment to cars with double DIN / without Connect or Sync originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 04:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Kyocera Hydro hitting Boost on August 3rd for $130, lets you get your Ice Cream Sandwich soggy

Kyocera Hydro hitting Boost on August 3rd for $130, lets you get your Ice Cream Sandwich soggy

It's summertime, time for absent-minded running through the sprinkers with your smartphone in your back pocket. Thankfully, if you can hold out for a few more weeks without having some prankster toss you in a pool at a party, you can pick up the new Kyocera Hydro on Boost Mobile on August 3rd for $130 -- just think of all of the money you'll save on dry rice after your handset takes an accidental dip. The 3.5-inch Ice Cream Sandwich phone sports a 1GHZ processor and can stand being under three feet of water for up to 30 minutes. Jump into the the press release after the break.

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Kyocera Hydro hitting Boost on August 3rd for $130, lets you get your Ice Cream Sandwich soggy originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Two Sides to Parenting |

Two Sides to Parenting

By: Joe Tremblay

Original Post:?

Reposted for parents who are tyring to strike that balance:I?ve seen both sides of the spectrum. I see some parents trying to be their children?s friends without being a parent, that is, an authority figure who provides discipline and guidance. On other hand, I have heard good Christians say to me that they are not a friend to their children but rather, first and foremost, a mother or a father. The emphasis in the latter case is on their authority and the insistence that they ought to be obeyed without question.

There is a problem with each of these positions. As for those parents who try to be a friend to their children without being a parent, what ends up happening is that the son or daughter doesn?t listen and hardly ever obeys them. I would go so far as to say that children under such relaxed parenting styles struggle to respect their parents. As for parents who make their authority felt, and fail to be a friend to their child, the result is that the son or daughter does not come to them with their problems. These children, especially in their adolescent years, hardly ever confide in their parents. Upon discovering this, such authoritarian parents often scratch their heads and wonder why they are the last to be told about their children?s affairs.

God is both Father and friend. He disciplines and punishes. Yet, he seeks us out when we are lost, consoles us when we are despondent and builds-up when we are weak. The Lord is the Almighty who is to be feared and he is a dear friend who knows the secrets of our hearts. As such, our parenting should model His parenting as much as possible. With this template, authority and intimacy are wonderfully interwoven. When mom and dad demonstrate to their children that they are special and that no one in the world can replace them, a sense of self-worth is cultivated. Yet, in order to counter or suppress the effects of Original Sin- principally that of selfishness and self-centeredness ?children need to know that the world doesn?t revolve around them. In fact, life will even continue without them. This is why our Lord reminds us to take the last seat instead of the first and to defer to others out of kindness and humility.

These two seemingly opposite values- the belief that they are special and irreplaceable and knowing, at the same time, that they are not the center of the universe ? strikes that balance children need. Moreover, love and authority are two effective instruments parents can use in weeding out vice and cultivating virtue in the garden of their child?s soul. When done properly, the result is a selfless, loving and responsible adult; one who God himself will be proud of.


The Republic and its Primary Educator [reposting]

Reposting for new Sky View readers. Originally posted March 12, 2012.

In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville, a Catholic Frenchman and a reputable historian, visited America in order to study its political, judicial and educational institutions. In the years to follow he wrote a book called, Democracy in America. What he found was that the early Americans took it for granted that a free society depends on an education system which was inspired and managed by local communities. They instinctively knew the dangers of a State-run school system and its effects on the nation. But as the nineteenth century came to a close, American education was beginning to become centralized, standardized and impersonalized by the State and Federal governments.

Parents, who are the principal educators of their children, began to delegate more and more of their God-given duties to the public and parochial schools. As we shall see, in 1929 Pope Pius XI sought to cast his prophetic light on this unhealthy trend. He reminded parents throughout the world that they were to oversee, as much as possible, their children?s education. In his concern proved to be warranted. In 2012, it is completely foreign to most people that the child should be educated either by his own parents or by the local community. Perhaps the early Americans, as with Pope Pius XI a century later, were on to something. perhaps their belief that a locally-run education system is the most effective instrument in bringing about political prosperity.

Again, we return to Tocqueville?s historic visit to America. During his eleven month journey through the States, he interviewed many high profile citizens. J.C. Spencer, of the New York legislature, was one of them. Tocqueville asked him how the public education system was organized (in 1831). Notice that Spencer?s answer highlights the need for people to be as close to the process of education as possible. He said this:

?It is generally admitted with us that the state should always help and never do the job itself. It is thought that the individual who give their money and who are on the spot, are by interest and situation in a position in a position to give to the application of the fund a watchful attention of which a great administration [i.e. the State or Federal government] would be incapable. Besides, we want as far as possible to create local interests?The people being really King, everyone feels the need of enlightening it.?

There certainly seemed to be a consensus at the time that although the State should help fund schools, it should not do the job of teaching. The early Americans believed that the key to a successful education system was that it should be, as much as possible, the responsibility of families from the township.

Joseph Tuckerman, an internationally known advocate for the poor from Massachusetts, told Tocqueville essentially the same thing: ?For God?s sake, do not create in France a fund for the support of a school?We have observed that when the towns knew that the government paid all the funds for education, they became quite indifferent about their schools. Whereas, when they put their own money into it, they took great interest in seeing that it should be well employed.? That?s right! People become indifferent to their own children?s education when they do not directly pay for the service.

About a hundred years later, Pope Pius XI wrote an encyclical in 1929 entitled, On Christian Education. In it he reiterates the long standing Catholic tradition on education. Throughout his encyclical, he emphatically denies that the State has absolute authority over education. Rather, he said, it belongs first and foremost to parents:

?Untenable is the reason they adduce, namely that man is born a citizen and hence belongs primarily to the State, not bearing in mind that before being a citizen man must exist; and existence does not come from the State, but from the parents, as Leo XIII wisely declared: ?The children are something of the father, and as it were an extension of the person of the father; and, to be perfectly accurate, they enter into and become part of civil society, not directly by themselves, but through the family in which they were born.?? Elsewhere in his encyclical, he quotes Pope Leo XIII as saying, ?[T]he father?s power is of such a nature that it cannot be destroyed or absorbed by the State; for it has the same origin as human life itself.?

God?s design is consistent. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby. It also takes a man and a woman to raise and educate their children. The Catholic Church has always seen herself as being a partner with parents in education. However, when parents forfeit their duties to educate their own children, giving full responsibility even to the local Catholic school, then the Church becomes more like a surrogate mother which it was never intended to be. I question the prudential judgment of a Catholic school when it totally takes over the religious education of a son or daughter of churchless parents. This, no doubt, is inspired by compassionate motives on the part of the local parish. Nevertheless, the unintended consequence is that it enables the parents to remain uninvolved in the education and salvation of their own children.

Unfortunately, parents of the twenty-first century have been marginalized in their children?s education. However, parents, starting in the mid-twentieth century, were willing accomplices to their own irrelevance. The State merely took advantage of what became a widespread indifference among mothers and fathers. As Americans, we slowly bought into a system where everyone but the parents were raising their children.

Perhaps, Pope Pius XI, as early as 1929, saw this trend emerging. This may be, in fact, the reason why he stated the following: ?It must be borne in mind also that the obligation of the family to bring up children, includes not only religious and moral education, but physical and civic education as well, principally in so far as it touches upon religion and morality.?

You might be suprised to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court, just four years prior to Pius XI encyclical, made a strong case against the supremacy of the State with regard to education. To bolster his argument, Pius XI makes reference to a U.S. Supreme Court Decision in the Oregon School Case, June 1, 1925. It ruled that the ?fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the State to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty, to recognize, and prepare him for additional duties.?

The first hundred-plus years of America?s way of thinking and carrying out her most important enterprises was dominated by the principal of subsidiarity; that is, the more local and proximate a government is, the better for the individual citizen. And what applies to citizen, equally applies to the student. If America is to be restored, her education system, which is today monopolized by the State, must be saved from the State. Most people who are deeply concerned about America?s future focus almost entirely on the ballot box. But we must keep in mind, and never forget, that a nation?s education is more important than its government. After all, it is the former which gives rise to the latter.


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