Friday, May 31, 2013

Splashtop 2 brings its remote desktop talents to BlackBerry 10

Splashtop 2 brings its remote desktop talents to Blackberry 10

Unless you're willing to poke around in leaked software, there's been no way so far to access your desktop computer via that shiny new BlackBerry 10 device -- until now. Splashtop 2 has just arrived on the platform to fill that hole, and a quick tryout on our Z10 confirms that it works just as well as on other devices to give you a remote wormhole to your Mac or PC. You'll be able to seamlessly access your desktop apps and files, watch videos and even play 3D games hosted from your home machine -- though we'd wouldn't count on a great experience for the latter. You can download and use it on your home network for free, but remote usage will run you $1.99 per month or $16.99 per year -- still quite a bargain for the terminally tethered.

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Via: Crackberry

Source: Blackberry World


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Artificial sweeteners may be do more than sweeten: It can affect how the body reacts to glucose

May 29, 2013 ? Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a popular artificial sweetener can modify how the body handles sugar.

In a small study, the researchers analyzed the sweetener sucralose (Splenda?) in 17 severely obese people who do not have diabetes and don't use artificial sweeteners regularly.

"Our results indicate that this artificial sweetener is not inert -- it does have an effect," said first author M. Yanina Pepino, PhD, research assistant professor of medicine. "And we need to do more studies to determine whether this observation means long-term use could be harmful."

The study is available online in the journal Diabetes Care.

Pepino's team studied people with an average body mass index (BMI) of just over 42; a person is considered obese when BMI reaches 30. The researchers gave subjects either water or sucralose to drink before they consumed a glucose challenge test. The glucose dosage is very similar to what a person might receive as part of a glucose-tolerance test. The researchers wanted to learn whether the combination of sucralose and glucose would affect insulin and blood sugar levels.

"We wanted to study this population because these sweeteners frequently are recommended to them as a way to make their diets healthier by limiting calorie intake," Pepino said.

Every participant was tested twice. Those who drank water followed by glucose in one visit drank sucralose followed by glucose in the next. In this way, each subject served as his or her own control group.

"When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose," Pepino explained. "Insulin levels also rose about 20 percent higher. So the artificial sweetener was related to an enhanced blood insulin and glucose response."

The elevated insulin response could be a good thing, she pointed out, because it shows the person is able to make enough insulin to deal with spiking glucose levels. But it also might be bad because when people routinely secrete more insulin, they can become resistant to its effects, a path that leads to type 2 diabetes.

It has been thought that artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, don't have an effect on metabolism. They are used in such small quantities that they don't increase calorie intake. Rather, the sweeteners react with receptors on the tongue to give people the sensation of tasting something sweet without the calories associated with natural sweeteners, such as table sugar.

But recent findings in animal studies suggest that some sweeteners may be doing more than just making foods and drinks taste sweeter. One finding indicates that the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreas can detect sweet foods and drinks with receptors that are virtually identical to those in the mouth. That causes an increased release of hormones, such as insulin. Some animal studies also have found that when receptors in the gut are activated by artificial sweeteners, the absorption of glucose also increases.

Pepino, who is part of Washington University's Center for Human Nutrition, said those studies could help explain how sweeteners may affect metabolism, even at very low doses. But most human studies involving artificial sweeteners haven't found comparable changes.

"Most of the studies of artificial sweeteners have been conducted in healthy, lean individuals," Pepino said. "In many of these studies, the artificial sweetener is given by itself. But in real life, people rarely consume a sweetener by itself. They use it in their coffee or on breakfast cereal or when they want to sweeten some other food they are eating or drinking."

Just how sucralose influences glucose and insulin levels in people who are obese is still somewhat of a mystery.

"Although we found that sucralose affects the glucose and insulin response to glucose ingestion, we don't know the mechanism responsible," said Pepino. "We have shown that sucralose is having an effect. In obese people without diabetes, we have shown sucralose is more than just something sweet that you put into your mouth with no other consequences."

She said further studies are needed to learn more about the mechanism through which sucralose may influence glucose and insulin levels, as well as whether those changes are harmful. A 20 percent increase in insulin may or may not be clinically significant, she added.

"What these all mean for daily life scenarios is still unknown, but our findings are stressing the need for more studies," she said. "Whether these acute effects of sucralose will influence how our bodies handle sugar in the long term is something we need to know."

Funding for this research comes from a National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Clinical and Translational Sciences Award and subaward and from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Tate & Lyle provided the sucralose. NIH grant numbers: UL1 R000448, KL2 TR000450, DK0088126, DK37948 and DK56341.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Apes Have Temper Tantrums, Too

Chimpanzees and bonobos have temper tantrums when their decisions don't play out as they'd hoped, hinting that humans aren't the only species to let emotions influence their choices.

These non-human apes pout, whimper, scratch themselves and bang on things when a risky choice fails to pay off or when they have to wait for a desired reward, according to new research published Wednesday (May 29) in the journal PLOS ONE.

"Even though animals don't engage in economic behavior like humans with money, the psychological skills that humans bring to the table when making economic decisions seem to be shared with animals," said study leader Alexandra Rosati, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at Yale University. [8 Humanlike Behaviors of Primates]

Emotional choices

Humans have the power of logic, but that doesn't always mean they use it. Multiple studies of decision-making have found that emotions play a big role in choices, particularly when information is complicated or incomplete. Humans also anticipate their own emotional reactions to various outcomes when making choices, Rosati told LiveScience. For example, people who know they'll feel great regret if they lose at gambling tend to gamble less than those who don't feel the pain of loss as keenly.

Rosati and her colleagues wanted to know how far back this emotional decision-making evolved. As humans' closest living relatives, chimps (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) were the perfect places to look. Evidence of emotional decisions in these apes would suggest humans share this tendency with other primate relatives. If the apes were unemotional decision-makers, however, it might suggest emotional decision-making evolved later in the human lineage.

The researchers set up two experiments at the Tchimpounga Sanctuary for primates in the Republic of Congo and Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Both sanctuaries care for chimps and bonobos orphaned by the illegal bushmeat and pet trades.

In the first experiment, 23 chimps and 15 bonobos were given the choice between immediately getting a small reward (bananas for the chimps, apple slices for the bonobos) or waiting one to two minutes to get a reward three times the size. [See Video of a Bonobo's Decision-Making]

Both species chose to wait more often than not, though chimps exhibited more patience, the researchers found. In one-minute-delay trials, chimps chose to wait and receive the larger option 64 percent of the time; in two-minute-delay trials, they picked the larger option almost 55 percent of the time. Bonobos waited for the larger option 55 percent of the time when they knew it would only take one minute, and chose it 47 percent of the time in the two-minute-delay trials.

Both species, however, exhibited emotional behaviors while waiting: They scratched themselves, a sign of anxiety, and banged on their enclosure walls or the table, a sign of anger. Chimps were more vocal in their impatience than the bonobos, whimpering, screaming and moaning 46 percent of the time compared with only 5 percent of the time in bonobos. (The animals could leave the experiment whenever they wanted, so their participation was voluntary.)

Risks and regret

In the second experiment, 24 chimps and 13 bonobos were shown a small pile of food under an overturned bowl and then given the choice to eat either that pile or another, unknown pile under a second bowl.

The foods varied in deliciousness, at least from a primate perspective. The researchers determined that chimps preferred bread and bananas above all else, while bonobos loved apples and bananas. Chimps were least excited by papaya and cucumber, while bonobos cared least about peanuts and lettuce.

The visible bowl contained middle-of-the-road foods for both species: peanuts for chimpanzees and papaya for bonobos. The apes could chose this so-so food or decide to take a risk and pick the unknown food under the second bowl, which might be a delicious banana ? or a boring scrap of lettuce.

The results revealed that chimpanzees were bigger risk-takers than the bonobos. Chimps picked the unknown, risky option 65 percent of the time compared with 39 percent of the time for bonobos. Again, both species got irritated when those risky choices failed to pay off with a favorite food. They banged, vocalized and scratched. The apes even showed a behavior that looked a bit like regret. After choosing the unknown bowl and finding a disliked food, the animals frequently tried to change their choice to the other bowl.

Primate psychology

These findings confirm that humans aren't the only primates that get upset when their decisions don't pan out, Rosati said. The discovery that chimps were more willing to wait than bonobos and that they took more risks is also important, she said. In the wild, chimpanzees tend to live in areas where food is seasonal and hard to find, while bonobos have an easier time foraging. The difference could explain why chimps are more patient and more willing to take risks for a good payoff than are their bonobo cousins.

"The kind of economic biases we see in different species, including humans, might really have a biological basis in terms of these species being prepared for different environments," Rosati said.

Now that researchers know the apes do show emotional reactions to unwanted outcomes, scientists hope to find out how those emotions might influence decisions, Rosati said. The study turned up a few hints that this kind of influence does indeed operate in apes. For example, bonobos who tried hardest to switch their choice after an unwanted outcome in the food bowl experiment were also the least likely to take risks in the first place. That finding is very similar to the observation that people who most regret gambling losses take fewer risks, Rosati said.

Apes "seem to have a really rich set of psychological skills for making their foraging decisions," she said.

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter?and Google+. Follow us @livescience, Facebook?& Google+. Original article on

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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'Voice' singer wants to be Bond Girl for Levine


12 hours ago

When Adam Levine told Amber Carrington she?d be singing the James Bond theme ?Skyfall? on Monday night?s ?The Voice,? she feared that she was done for.

?When Adam gave me that song I was kind of mad at him,? the Texas-born country artist told, ?because it's Adele. (I was like) 'Do you not want me to succeed at all or something???

Yet she had nothing to worry about. Amber?s performance of the Academy Award-winning title track from Daniel Craig?s latest 007 outing won her unanimous praise from the coaches. She also got to show off a Bond Girl-worthy look, slinking across the stage in a bejeweled black dress. It was no surprise that ?Voice? producers chose Amber to fill the show?s coveted closing spot.

How did Amber turn her initial concerns into such a strong finished product? She credited the ?Voice? choreographers with helping her get into character. ?They're like 'Listen, you have to get in the (right) mode (for the song), like a James Bond girl. We need to give you a name, like an alter-ego,?? she recalled.

?They were like, 'Your new name is Diamond,? and I was like, 'I can own this.' When I went up there (Monday night), I was Diamond.?

The name choice ended up being unintentionally amusing, as four of Amber?s fellow artists -- including her teammates Sarah Simmons and Judith Hill -- performed Rihanna?s ?Diamonds? earlier in the evening. That led to some playful confusion.

?Everybody kept talking about ?Diamonds,?? Amber quipped, ?and I was like, ?What? Are you talking about me??"

Amber?s performance marked the first time a ?Voice? artist has performed a song written specifically for a feature film. The fact that she did well by one of the best-loved Bond themes is even more impressive considering that she wasn't even a fan of the film franchise.

?I haven't seen the movie. I'm aware of Adele's version of the song because I've heard it, but I haven't seen any James Bond movie in my life,? she admitted. ?But I'll go watch them now.?

She could even consider it research. During last week?s show, Amber?s coach confessed that he?s always wanted to be a secret agent. So would she be open to being Adam Levine?s Bond Girl?

?I would love that!? she enthused.


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Philip Seib: The Obama Doctrine and Public Diplomacy

President Barack Obama's May 23rd speech at the National Defense University has been cited primarily for its assertion that the war against Al Qaeda has largely been won and that methods for countering violent extremism will change. The president stated that the United States "cannot use force everywhere that a radical ideology takes root," and said that "the next element of our strategy involves addressing the underlying grievances and conflicts that feed extremism."

Doing this is not a military task. Addressing those grievances involves acknowledging that, except for zealots, the appeal of extremism tends to be rooted in economic inequities. There are many throughout the world who feel humiliated by not being able to find work or put food on the table for their families. That kind of frustration easily turns into anger that can be exploited by those who embrace violence.

In his NDU speech, Obama said that the United States must help other nations "modernize economies, upgrade education, and encourage entrepreneurship," and must "connect with people's hopes, and not simply their fears." In doing so, emphasis should be placed on establishing direct links to publics, rather than to their governments. That is the essence of public diplomacy.

The "public" element is important because delivering assistance in this way can help to strip away some of the perceptions of America that have taken root during the past decade. Public opinion analyst Shibley Telhami has reported that pervasive cynicism exists in the Arab world about American promotion of democracy, with such efforts seen as "a fig leaf for wars designed to control oil and help Israel." Even if the United States has the best of intentions in its work to improve people's lives, it must overcome a presumption that it has ulterior motives.

A strength of public diplomacy is its transparency. When a tech workshop for young entrepreneurs or an academic exchange takes place, people see exactly what they are getting. Their government is less likely to get in the way than would be the case with traditional government-to-government aid.

Secretary of State John Kerry has stressed the importance of economic development assistance in U.S. foreign policy, and public diplomacy mechanisms are the best way to ensure maximum results from such efforts. Obama referred to the cost-effective nature of aid when he said at NDU that "foreign assistance cannot be viewed as charity. It is fundamental to our national security. And it's fundamental to any sensible long-term strategy to battle extremism."

A part of the NDU speech that did not attract much attention was the president's comment that some extremists believe "that Islam is in conflict with the United States and the West, and that violence against Western targets, including civilians, is justified in pursuit of a larger cause." The president rightly asserted that "this ideology is based on a lie," but the lie has taken on a life of its own and must be debunked.

Successful public diplomacy directed toward the Muslim world must be firmly grounded in the recognition that Islam is a dominant factor in the daily life of hundreds of millions of people and in the public sphere of many countries. The concept of church-state separation, which is so important in America's constitutional system, is unacceptable to many Muslims, and that belief -- not American domestic issues -- should be determinative in deciding religion's role in U.S. public diplomacy. Public diplomats working with Muslim publics should be knowledgeable about the Qur'an and tenets of Islamic faith and they should understand how Islam is interwoven with many Muslims' worldview.

President Obama's NDU speech does not mark the end of the struggle against terrorism, but rather puts new emphasis on remedying the discontent that nurtures extremism. That is a task for which public diplomacy is well suited, but only if public diplomacy is pursued in a sophisticated and thoughtful way, and if it is accorded a more significant role in U.S. foreign policy.


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Chinese artist Weiwei's mother at Venice opening

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's mother Gao Ying looks into one of the six containers part of an installation by her son during a press preview of the 55th edition of the Venice Biennale of Arts in Venice, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. The work on display is called S.A.C.R.E.D. The four initials standing for supper, accuser, cleansing, ritual, entropy and doubt, and referring to Ai Weiwei time 81 days in detention in 2011. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been prevented by Chinese authorities from traveling to Venice for the opening of two new works on the sidelines of the Biennale contemporary art show, so his mother came instead. Weiwei's elderly mother, Gao Yng, on Tuesday viewed for the first time a series of dioramas depicting six episodes of pressure during her son's 81 days in detention in 2011. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's mother Gao Ying looks into one of the six containers part of an installation by her son during a press preview of the 55th edition of the Venice Biennale of Arts in Venice, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. The work on display is called S.A.C.R.E.D. The four initials standing for supper, accuser, cleansing, ritual, entropy and doubt, and referring to Ai Weiwei time 81 days in detention in 2011. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been prevented by Chinese authorities from traveling to Venice for the opening of two new works on the sidelines of the Biennale contemporary art show, so his mother came instead. Weiwei's elderly mother, Gao Yng, on Tuesday viewed for the first time a series of dioramas depicting six episodes of pressure during her son's 81 days in detention in 2011. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's mother Gao Ying poses next to one of the six containers part of an installation by her son during a press preview of the 55th edition of the Venice Biennale of Arts in Venice, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. The work on display is called S.A.C.R.E.D. The four initials standing for supper, accuser, cleansing, ritual, entropy and doubt, and referring to Ai Weiwei time 81 days in detention in 2011. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been prevented by Chinese authorities from traveling to Venice for the opening of two new works on the sidelines of the Biennale contemporary art show, so his mother came instead. Weiwei's elderly mother, Gao Yng, on Tuesday viewed for the first time a series of dioramas depicting six episodes of pressure during her son's 81 days in detention in 2011. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's mother Gao Ying poses next to the six containers part of an installation by her son during a press preview of the 55th edition of the Venice Biennale of Arts in Venice, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. The work on display is called S.A.C.R.E.D. The four initials standing for supper, accuser, cleansing, ritual, entropy and doubt, and referring to Ai Weiwei time 81 days in detention in 2011. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been prevented by Chinese authorities from traveling to Venice for the opening of two new works on the sidelines of the Biennale contemporary art show, so his mother came instead. Weiwei's elderly mother, Gao Yng, on Tuesday viewed for the first time a series of dioramas depicting six episodes of pressure during her son's 81 days in detention in 2011. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

(AP) ? When a mother views scenes of her son's imprisonment, sometimes no words are needed. Tears will do.

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was prevented by Chinese authorities from traveling to Venice for the opening of two new works of his on the sidelines of the Biennale contemporary art show, so his mother came in his stead.

Weiwei's elderly mother, Gao Yng, on Tuesday viewed for the first time a series of dioramas depicting six episodes of intense pressure during her son's 81 days in detention in 2011.

Gao walked quietly through the exhibit, peering through openings in the 1.5-meter (4 1/2-foot) high boxes inside which Weiwei reconstructed in great detail scenes of his captivity. His mother did not speak to journalists who documented the moment, but she was moved to tears as she left the exhibit in the church of Sant'Antonin.

The two events by Weiwei, both site-specific to the Venice spaces in which they were displayed, are emotionally linked.

Weiwei constructed the piece "Straight" to be installed in a former convent on Giudecca island in the Venetian lagoon. The piece is made up of 150 tons of steel rebar that was removed from the ruins of Chinese schools that collapsed in the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan province that killed nearly 5,200 children. Many have blamed shoddy construction practices and outright building fraud for the children's quake deaths.

Weiwei and his team spent two years straightening the pieces of steel. He then arranged them lying flat, one on top of another, to create a new topography inside the Le Zitelle complex, a room where orphan girls once sewed.

Another version of the piece ? less than half the size of the one in Venice ? was presented at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C. last year; this one will tour North America after leaving Venice.

"He is making something right that was wrong," said Maurizio Bortolotti, who curated the two collateral exhibits. "I think it is very symbolic. Every piece has seen a human and moral distortion."

It was Weiwei's political activism highlighting corruption in the aftermath of the 2008 quake that drew the ire of Chinese authorities and lead to his detention in April 2011. That included a project to gather the names of all the children who perished as a sort of memorial, said Greg Hilty, curatorial director of the Lisson Gallery in London that collaborated on the Venice projects and which has long worked with Weiwei.

Bortolotti said the first installation, called S.A.C.R.E.D., has its own iconography similar to of the Stations of the Cross, depicting the suffering of Jesus as he is led to be nailed on the cross.

"There is a sense of self-doubt. Weiwei didn't know if any moment could be the last. He wasn't tortured, but there was a process of trying to break him down psychologically," he said.

For the installation, Weiwei constructed six containers in half-scale, recreating scenes from his detention, each revealing the constant surveillance to which he was subjected.

Inside six metal boxes, which on their own are a form of minimalist sculpture, Weiwei created scenes showing himself carrying out the routines of prison life, often with two guards watching. Visitors peer inside through one small window fitted with a fan that he recreated from life, or from openings on the ceiling to provide visual access where none existed.

In one scene Weiwei sleeps with guards at his head and foot. In others, he sits on the toilet, he showers naked, he walks briskly for exercise and he eats. In the final box, he is handcuffed and being interrogated.

"The two projects are very connected. This is the consequence of the first," said Bortolotti.

It was Weiwei's heightened sense of perception, acquired under constant watch, along with his artist's eye that allowed him to recreate in painstaking detail his prison cell, down to the cracks on the walls, Bortolotti said. In the piece, there is a small bathroom with a stained sink and toilet and a spigot from the wall for a shower. Detergent and soap line the wall.

Depicting the cell, Weiwei built a bare mattress bed with a folded blanket, a table and two straight-back chairs and another with arms. In the closet, there are seven hangers with clothes, folded items and a spare pair of slippers.

The door has the number 1135, which he could see only after he left the cell, Bortolotti said.

Although free, Chinese authorities denied Weiwei a visa that would have allowed him to travel to Venice for this week's openings.

Associated Press


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Monday, May 27, 2013

6 Social Media Tips for Bloggers Anyone Can Use ? Hot Article Depot

There are several ways for bloggers to build their business using the internet. Social Media and the Internet wave have forced business to build their social awareness on the web. Social Media and Blogging is more effective than offline techniques such as postcards, newspaper ads, and etc.

In this blog post I am going to share 6 social media marketing tips for bloggers anyone can use to build their brand on the internet immediately.

Tip #1 Set Your Intentions

A lot of businesses come online without a clear sense of direction and without a goal in mind. It is imperative that you know the reason you are on social media. If one does not have a goal to reach for; one will never know when they reach. Therefore make sure to know the purpose of why you are turning to the internet to build your audience.

2. Decide Where to Be

Just because you read about Facebook or Twitter attracting millions of customers doesn?t mean your company will benefit from being on one of those sites. Decide where to set your business up based on the desired results you are looking to achieve.

One of the best ways to help you decide is use Google and different forums to see where people are talking about your business and/ or the niche your business is in.

Tip #3 Social Media Icons

Display your Social Media icons on your website/blog. It is important for your customers to be able to find you. Your customers look for great deals on their favorite products and services; and oftentimes the first place they turn to is the internet.

Tip #4 Facebook Page

It is imperative that every business that plans to build their company using online techniques have their own personal Facebook Page. Facebook Pages is more professional and it allows your customers to stay up to date with the latest sales and discounts.

Tip #5 Engage in Social Media even for fun

It is imperative that you engage with your customers in order to create an ongoing relationship. Make sure your social media manager ask questions, offer coupons and discounts, and survey your customers. Social Media is the easiest way to know what your customers like and what they do not like.

Tip #6 A Picture means more than a 1000 Words

If you are a small business owner who sell products, be sure to show your products on your social media sites. Simply take some photos of your products, and post them in the social networks that most of your customers use. Share images of your new product updates. Post the photo, and write a short description describing the product. Share images of older products as well. Sharing your products and/or services on social media sites will get your loyal customers excited about the latest news at your business. This will bring in new customers as well as repeat customers.

As you can see it is very possible to build a business using social media marketing for bloggers tips. It is very possible to have a profitable business using these strategies. One must have a clear sense of purpose, goal, and presence in order to make this particular strategy to work.

Want to find out more about the Social Media Marketing Tips for Bloggers? This Visit Lakisha Copeland Sizzling N Sassy website for more informaton!


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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kremlin 'outraged' by electoral fraud... in Eurovision song contest

Allegations of voter fraud in Russia are nothing new. But this time it's the Kremlin making them.

By Fred Weir,?Correspondent / May 22, 2013

Winner of the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest Emmelie de Forest of Denmark who won with her song 'Only Teardrops,' holds the winners trophy as she poses for photographers following the final of the Eurovision Song Contest at the Malmo Arena in Malmo, Sweden, last Saturday. The Kremlin today said that they found a case of alleged voting fraud in Eurovision song contest.

Alastair Grant/AP


Russian authorities have finally found a case of alleged voting fraud that they can get really incensed about.

Skip to next paragraph Fred Weir


Fred Weir has been the Monitor's Moscow correspondent, covering Russia and the former Soviet Union, since 1998.?

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No, it's not the 2011 Duma elections, which experts from across Russia's political spectrum?now agree were probably falsified?on a huge scale. That has never been the subject of official outrage, or even investigation.

This is something far more important: the continental song competition, Eurovision.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told journalists?yesterday?that he was "outraged" to learn that the voting system in neighboring Azerbaijan had eliminated the votes cast for Russian Eurovision contestant Dina Garipova in that country. Voters registering their preferences by cellphone had given a second-place finish to Ms. Garipova ? which should have given her 10 points in the overall contest ? but they had somehow disappeared in the reporting process.

"We can?t be happy with the fact that 10 points were stolen from our participant, primarily in terms of how this event is organized," Mr. Lavrov?said during a previously scheduled joint press conference?in Baku with Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.?

"We have agreed with Elmar Mammadyarov that we will discuss joint measures to ensure that this outrageous action will not go unanswered," Lavrov added.

The head of Azerbaijan's broadcasting company, Jamil Guliyev, quickly acknowledged that some sort of mistake had occurred.

"We sincerely hope that this case, which was probably initiated by some groups, would not cast a shadow on brotherly relations of Azeri and Russian people," he told journalists.

Contestant: Why the fuss?

The mammothly popular annual singing contest, held last Saturday in Malmo, Sweden, featured contestants from 39 countries from the Atlantic to the shores of the Caspian Sea. An estimated 125 million TV viewers,?each cheering for their country's contestants as avidly as any football team,?tuned in to the Eurovision finals, plus countless more around the world via Internet streaming.

Competition for the honor of hosting Eurovision is almost as serious as for the Olympics, and?Russia went wild when Moscow won the right to stage the event back in 2009.

The winner of each year's multinational contest is determined by a complicated system ??which is supposed to be foolproof ? in which each country votes for all entries except their own.

Votes cast by TV viewers in each country by cellphone (or through social media such as?Facebook) makes up half the decision, while a national panel of judges makes the other half. At the end of the process, each country submits a ranking for all contestants ? except its own ? by giving 12 points to the winner, 10 points to the runner-up, and so on. The results, totaled for all of Europe, determine the overall winner.

This year Denmark's Emmelie de Forest won by a landslide, with 281 points, followed by Azerbaijan's Farid Mammadov with 234 points (full table?here). Russia's Garipova came fifth with 174 points.

The missing 10 points from Azerbaijan didn't affect Garipova's standing, and she graciously told the Russian media today that?it would be better to drop the rising demand for an international investigation into the alleged vote-rigging scandal.

"To be honest, I don?t know why an investigation is needed," Garipova said. "I am satisfied with the result of the contest."

Inferiority complex

Eurovision's organizers?said in a statement?that they will take swift action to preserve the event's apolitical nature and prevent any future abuses.?But the scandal is far from dying down in Russia.?

Some Russian conservatives claim it's just another example of Western "double standards," in which those who never miss an opportunity to lecture Russia about human rights and democracy turn out to be dirty themselves.

Former Kremlin adviser Sergei Markov told the Ekho Moskvi radio station?today?that the Eurovision result was "direct forgery and fraud."

Perhaps tongue-in-cheek, Mr. Markov went on: "In general it's better when we non-Europeans are accusing them of falsifying elections than when they are accusing us?. And here [with Eurovision] we have such a fraud, and the whole world has seen it with their own eyes."

Viktor Shenderovich, once a top political satirist?who was exiled from the mainstream media?after Vladimir Putin came to power, says the Russian response, and particularly Lavrov's official outrage over a singing contest, is an unseemly display that reveals a persecution complex at the heart of Kremlin behavior.

"This comes from the inferiority complex than haunts our state, which is really funny when you recall that we're a country the size of a continent that has a vast nuclear arsenal," Mr. Shenderovich says.

"When a mature adult from the Foreign Ministry starts taking such things seriously, well, it can only mean that we have lost any sense of self-irony. On the surface it looks silly, but when you examine the roots of this affair you can't help feeling sad?. Whenever Russia feels it's been shortchanged in anything, be it a song contest or a sporting event, our people immediately begin claiming that there's a plot against us. But, as the old Russian saying goes, 'a bad dancer's boots are always too tight,'" he adds.?


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Kentwood, Kentridge fall in state semifinals | 4A Baseball | High ...

Originally published May 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM | Page modified May 24, 2013 at 11:50 PM

PASCO ? Kentwood coach Mark Zender couldn't find fault with the way his team played. He didn't think they played poorly or that they cost themselves the game.

Instead, he simply thought his team, which won the 4A state championship a year ago, lost in a 1-0 coin-flip game against South Kitsap in Friday's Class 4A state semifinals at Gesa Stadium.

"I told the guys that it really wasn't a matter of us not playing well," Zender said. "It was just a ballgame either team could have won. A classic 1-0 game.

"They have a reason to hold their heads high."

After South Kitsap took a 1-0 lead in the fourth inning on a sac fly from Cody Wolfe, Kentwood had a couple of chances to tie or take the lead.

The best opportunity came in the sixth inning. The Conquerors had two runners on with catcher Reese McGuire, a future first-round draft pick, at the plate. McGuire drew a walk that loaded the bases with two outs and brought up cleanup hitter Tanner Wessling.

But South Kitsap pitcher Michael Wood struck out Wessling and ended the threat. Wood pitched a complete game and had a four-inning stretch where he didn't allow a hit.

"He's done that the whole year," South Kitsap coach Marcus Logue said.

Kentwood had one more chance in the seventh inning. Connor Sims singled and moved to second on a sacrifice bunt. Spencer Greene stepped to the plate with two outs and the tying run on second, but he struck out to end the game.

The Conquerors remained in the game because of pitcher Jordan Jones, a 6-foot-1 freshman who consistently worked out of jams. Jones pitched a complete game and scattered six hits while striking out seven.

"He's poised and beyond his years in terms of his mental approach and his ability to deal with adversity and the situation," Zender said. "We were playing this weekend to win the state championship, and we didn't have any reason to believe Jordan wasn't the guy to get us to that game."

Kentwood will play Kentridge at 1 p.m. Saturday, while South Kitsap will play Skyview at 7 p.m. for the Class 4A state title.

Skyview 10, Kentridge 0

Skyview pitcher Ian Hamilton didn't give Kentridge any wiggle room in Friday's other 4A state semifinal. He didn't give them much of anything, actually.

Hamilton struck out 10 as Skyview blasted past Kentridge in five innings.

Kentridge managed just two hits as Hamilton completely corralled the Chargers' attack.

Skyview did its real damage in the bottom of the fifth inning. The Storm entered the inning leading 3-0 but scored seven runs in that frame.

The game ended after five innings because of the mercy rule.

Zach Beatty and Travis McGuire were the only Kentridge players to collect hits.


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Youngsville approves bidding for sports complex ? Artesia News

YOUNGSVILLE, La. (AP) ? Bidding for the long-awaited Youngsville multipurpose sports complex is scheduled to take place in October.

Three members of the Youngsville City Council voted to move forward with bidding for the full $6.6 million proposed project as opposed to three scaled-down models presented at Thursday meeting.

Architect Mark Lalande presented three scaled-down models to the council that would eliminate approximately $2 million from the project?s cost.

Two of the features eliminated in the scaled-down models were a basketball court and the administration building.

The Advocate reports ( ) the council voted to go with the full project, which will two basketball courts, a multipurpose recreation center and administration building.

?They had to determine what their budget was,? Lalande said. ?When we do a project, we don?t produce a one-shot deal. We create systematic options. Today, they authorized me to go forward with the full scope.?

Some of the funding is coming from a 1-cent sales tax voters approved in 2011.

The complex as planned will also feature baseball fields, soccer fields and basketball courts as well as a playground, tennis courts and recreation center.

?Ultimately, I hoped they?d build the whole thing,? Youngsville Mayor Wilson Viator said. ?I really just wanted two basketball courts. I think they did the right thing in doing the whole ball of wax. We?ll make it happen.?

Councilwoman Dianne McClelland said the recreation center should be the focal point of the project.

?I think the community will be able to enjoy the rec center and that will be the hub of the complex,? McClelland said. ?It will provide many more activities for the community than the baseball fields or tennis courts.?


Information from: The Advocate,

Tags: General news, Louisiana, North America, Sports, United States


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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Associate of arms dealer Viktor Bout extradited to New York

By Chris Francescani

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S-Syrian citizen accused of conspiring with jailed Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout has been extradited to New York from Australia to face charges he conspired to buy aircraft in violation of economic sanctions, federal prosecutors said on Friday.

Richard Ammar Chichakli is scheduled to be arraigned in federal magistrate court in Manhattan on Saturday, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, said in a statement.

Chichakli is charged with one count each of conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economics Powers Act, money laundering and wire fraud conspiracy, as well as six counts of wire fraud. He faces up to 180 years in prison if convicted on all charges, officials said.

There was no immediate response to an email requesting comment to a website set up in Chichakli's defense.

"With his extradition today to face charges for his flagrant violations of international sanctions and other crimes, he will now face the same American justice Viktor Bout did," Bharara said.

Chichakli was a close associate of Bout - known as the "Merchant of Death" for his purported willingness to ship arms to any warlord or leader who could pay him - since the 1990s, U.S. officials said.

Bout was convicted in 2011 of conspiring to sell weapons to the rebel group FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, and is serving a 25 years sentence in the United States.

Prior to his conviction, Bout led an international arms smuggling operation by assembling a fleet of airplanes capable of shipping large quantities of weapons and military equipment to some of the world's most violent conflict zones.

Chichakli also had close ties to former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor, officials said.

A 2004 executive order issued by President George W. Bush prohibited any transactions or dealings in the United States by individuals affiliated with Taylor. That prohibition, which had already been extended to Bout, was placed on Chichakli in 2005.

Bout and Chichakli subsequently created companies in the names of others to mask their involvement, including a company they formed called Samar Airlines, according to court documents.

Prosecutors charge that the company attempted in 2007 to buy two Boeing aircraft from U.S. companies, and wired more than $1.7 million through New York banks into U.S. accounts in connection with the deal, according to court documents.

The U.S. Treasury Department blocked the funds that had been transferred into the bank accounts of the U.S. aviation companies when it learned of Chichakli's connection, prosecutors said.

The website defending Chichakli contends that the two men were legitimate business partners on a number of ventures, but that after the 2004 U.S. sanctions, "there was no business relationship between Richard Chichakli and Victor Bout."

(Additional reporting by Bernard Vaughan; Editing by Bob Burgdorfer)


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Friday, May 24, 2013

Internet News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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The micro blogging site, which transmits some 400 million messages a day, said on Wednesday that it had begun rolling out an optional &quot;login verification&quot; service to thwart hackers seeking to hijack accounts with stolen passwords. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 May 2013 17:45:21 -0400Reuterstwitter-beefs-security-safeguards-recent-attacks-201551076<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="An illustration picture shows the logo of the Website Twitter on an Ipad, in Bordeaux" align="left" title="An illustration picture shows the logo of the Website Twitter on an Ipad, in Bordeaux" border="0" /></a>By Jim Finkle (Reuters) - Twitter Inc unveiled technology to boost security for its users, following a spate of attacks on accounts of prominent media outlets including the Associated Press, the Financial Times and The Onion. The micro blogging site, which transmits some 400 million messages a day, said on Wednesday that it had begun rolling out an optional &quot;login verification&quot; service to thwart hackers seeking to hijack accounts with stolen passwords. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Pearson agrees $75 million settlement in U.S. e-books caseBy Kate Holton and Nate Raymond LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - British publisher Pearson's Penguin unit said on Wednesday it would pay $75 million in damages plus costs to U.S. states and consumers as part of an agreement over alleged price-fixing in the e-book market. Pearson, which will take an extra provision on its accounts this year after setting aside $40 million in 2012, had already reached an agreement with the U.S. Justice Department in the e-book pricing case. ..., 22 May 2013 12:41:24 -0400Reuterspearson-agrees-75-million-settlement-u-ebook-pricing-131446445British opposition leader says Google tax behavior 'wrong'<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Britain&#039;s leader of the opposition Labour party Ed Miliband speaks at the Google big tent event on the outskirts of London" align="left" title="Britain&#039;s leader of the opposition Labour party Ed Miliband speaks at the Google big tent event on the outskirts of London" border="0" /></a>By Andrew Osborn and Costas Pitas LONDON (Reuters) - Google Inc&#039;s tax affairs came under renewed scrutiny in Britain on Wednesday when the leader of the opposition Labour party accused the Internet company of wrongly going to &quot;extraordinary lengths&quot; to avoid paying tax. In comments designed to politically outflank Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of next month&#039;s G8 summit on what has become a high-profile issue, Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said he was disappointed that Google paid so little tax. &quot;I can&#039;t be the only person here who feels disappointed that such a great company as Google ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 May 2013 11:56:12 -0400Reutersuk-opposition-party-leader-says-google-tax-behavior-115104629<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Britain&#039;s leader of the opposition Labour party Ed Miliband speaks at the Google big tent event on the outskirts of London" align="left" title="Britain&#039;s leader of the opposition Labour party Ed Miliband speaks at the Google big tent event on the outskirts of London" border="0" /></a>By Andrew Osborn and Costas Pitas LONDON (Reuters) - Google Inc&#039;s tax affairs came under renewed scrutiny in Britain on Wednesday when the leader of the opposition Labour party accused the Internet company of wrongly going to &quot;extraordinary lengths&quot; to avoid paying tax. In comments designed to politically outflank Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of next month&#039;s G8 summit on what has become a high-profile issue, Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said he was disappointed that Google paid so little tax. &quot;I can&#039;t be the only person here who feels disappointed that such a great company as Google ...</p><br clear="all"/>Young faces enliven Kuwait's faded art scene<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Kuwaiti graphic designer Mohammad Sharaf talks about his work in his office in Hawalli" align="left" title="Kuwaiti graphic designer Mohammad Sharaf talks about his work in his office in Hawalli" border="0" /></a>By Sylvia Westall KUWAIT (Reuters) - After two lackluster decades, Kuwait is experiencing a quiet revival of an arts scene once known as the most avant garde in the Gulf, thanks to a new generation eager to tackle sensitive issues using cutting-edge art forms. The artists have been exhibiting works in the graphic arts, photography, animation and fashion in private galleries but also bypassing traditional venues and arts groups - and possible censorship - by showing their work online to reach an audience beyond the 3.7 million people in Kuwait. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 May 2013 11:47:31 -0400Reutersyoung-faces-enliven-kuwaits-faded-art-scene-141840080<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Kuwaiti graphic designer Mohammad Sharaf talks about his work in his office in Hawalli" align="left" title="Kuwaiti graphic designer Mohammad Sharaf talks about his work in his office in Hawalli" border="0" /></a>By Sylvia Westall KUWAIT (Reuters) - After two lackluster decades, Kuwait is experiencing a quiet revival of an arts scene once known as the most avant garde in the Gulf, thanks to a new generation eager to tackle sensitive issues using cutting-edge art forms. The artists have been exhibiting works in the graphic arts, photography, animation and fashion in private galleries but also bypassing traditional venues and arts groups - and possible censorship - by showing their work online to reach an audience beyond the 3.7 million people in Kuwait. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Disgraced ex-congressman Weiner announces candidacy for NYC mayor<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner pauses as he announces that he will resign from the United States House of Representatives during a news conference in Brooklyn, New York" align="left" title="U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner pauses as he announces that he will resign from the United States House of Representatives during a news conference in Brooklyn, New York" border="0" /></a>By Edith Honan NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two years after resigning from Congress in a lewd photo scandal, former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner announced in a video message early on Wednesday he is running for New York City mayor. &quot;I made some big mistakes and I know I let a lot of people down, but I also learned some tough lessons,&quot; Weiner said in the video. &quot;I&#039;m running because I&#039;ve been fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it my entire life. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 May 2013 09:45:06 -0400Reutersdisgraced-ex-congressman-weiner-announces-candidacy-nyc-mayor-102117516<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner pauses as he announces that he will resign from the United States House of Representatives during a news conference in Brooklyn, New York" align="left" title="U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner pauses as he announces that he will resign from the United States House of Representatives during a news conference in Brooklyn, New York" border="0" /></a>By Edith Honan NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two years after resigning from Congress in a lewd photo scandal, former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner announced in a video message early on Wednesday he is running for New York City mayor. &quot;I made some big mistakes and I know I let a lot of people down, but I also learned some tough lessons,&quot; Weiner said in the video. &quot;I&#039;m running because I&#039;ve been fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it my entire life. ...</p><br clear="all"/>The Irish loophole behind Apple's low tax bill<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Apple Operations International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc, is seen in Hollyhill, Cork, in the south of Ireland" align="left" title="Apple Operations International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc, is seen in Hollyhill, Cork, in the south of Ireland" border="0" /></a>By Tom Bergin LONDON (Reuters) - Apple&#039;s ability to shelter billions of dollars of income from tax has depended on an unusual loophole in the Irish tax code that helps the country compete with other countries for investment and jobs. A U.S. Senate investigation revealed Tuesday that Apple, maker of iPhones, iPads and Mac computers, channeled profits into Irish-incorporated subsidiaries that had &quot;no declared tax residency anywhere in the world. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 22 May 2013 08:23:26 -0400Reutersirish-loophole-behind-apples-low-tax-bill-003322241<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Apple Operations International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc, is seen in Hollyhill, Cork, in the south of Ireland" align="left" title="Apple Operations International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc, is seen in Hollyhill, Cork, in the south of Ireland" border="0" /></a>By Tom Bergin LONDON (Reuters) - Apple&#039;s ability to shelter billions of dollars of income from tax has depended on an unusual loophole in the Irish tax code that helps the country compete with other countries for investment and jobs. A U.S. Senate investigation revealed Tuesday that Apple, maker of iPhones, iPads and Mac computers, channeled profits into Irish-incorporated subsidiaries that had &quot;no declared tax residency anywhere in the world. ...</p><br clear="all"/>China charges six in sex video "extortion" caseBEIJING (Reuters) - A court in the city of Chongqing has charged six people with working together to blackmail government officials by recording videos of them having sex, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday. The six were charged with extortion on Monday, Xinhua said, citing a statement from judicial authorities in Chongqing, where they are slated to be tried. Investigators said the group "lured officials into having sex with women and secretly recorded their encounters to blackmail them from 2008 to 2009", Xinhua said. ..., 22 May 2013 01:46:54 -0400Reuterschina-charges-six-sex-video-extortion-case-054654469Microsoft unveils Xbox One with Spielberg, Activision tie-up<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft&#039;s Interactive Entertainment Business, discusses the Xbox One uses for television viewing during a press event in Redmond" align="left" title="Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft&#039;s Interactive Entertainment Business, discusses the Xbox One uses for television viewing during a press event in Redmond" border="0" /></a>By Bill Rigby and Malathi Nayak REDMOND, Washington (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp unveiled the &quot;Xbox One&quot; on Tuesday, its first new gaming console in eight years, and its strongest push so far to dominate consumers&#039; living rooms with an array of exclusive media content. The Xbox One took four years to develop and will be the launchpad for a &quot;Halo&quot; live-action video series produced by Steven Spielberg. It will be sold worldwide &quot;later this year,&quot; games unit chief Don Mattrick told reporters at an event at the software company&#039;s campus near Seattle, without providing details on timing or pricing. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 21 May 2013 19:22:29 -0400Reutersmicrosoft-unveils-xbox-one-game-console-173228599<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft&#039;s Interactive Entertainment Business, discusses the Xbox One uses for television viewing during a press event in Redmond" align="left" title="Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft&#039;s Interactive Entertainment Business, discusses the Xbox One uses for television viewing during a press event in Redmond" border="0" /></a>By Bill Rigby and Malathi Nayak REDMOND, Washington (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp unveiled the &quot;Xbox One&quot; on Tuesday, its first new gaming console in eight years, and its strongest push so far to dominate consumers&#039; living rooms with an array of exclusive media content. The Xbox One took four years to develop and will be the launchpad for a &quot;Halo&quot; live-action video series produced by Steven Spielberg. It will be sold worldwide &quot;later this year,&quot; games unit chief Don Mattrick told reporters at an event at the software company&#039;s campus near Seattle, without providing details on timing or pricing. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Iranians face new Internet curbs before presidential electionBy Yeganeh Torbati DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranians are struggling with slower Internet speeds and limited access ahead of an unpredictable presidential election that has put hardline Islamist authorities on alert for possible unrest. Experts and web users say they believe the Internet obstacles are related to the June 14 presidential vote, the first since 2009 polls in which accusations of fraud - denied by the government - kindled months of protests organised in part via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. ..., 21 May 2013 08:27:12 -0400Reutersiranians-face-internet-curbs-presidential-election-122712408Amazon wins key cloud security clearance from government<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A zoomed image of a computer screen showing the Amazon logo is seen in Vienna" align="left" title="A zoomed image of a computer screen showing the Amazon logo is seen in Vienna" border="0" /></a>By Alistair Barr SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Inc has been given a security clearance by the U.S. government that will make it easier for federal agencies to use its cloud computing services. Amazon Web Services, known as AWS, was certified to operate as a cloud service provider for three years under the government&#039;s new FedRAMP program. The accreditation covers all AWS data centers in the United States, the company said on Tuesday. &quot;This will cut the cost and time for agencies to deploy our systems,&quot; said Teresa Carlson, vice president of Worldwide Public Sector at AWS. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 21 May 2013 00:08:55 -0400Reutersamazon-wins-key-cloud-security-clearance-government-040855023<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A zoomed image of a computer screen showing the Amazon logo is seen in Vienna" align="left" title="A zoomed image of a computer screen showing the Amazon logo is seen in Vienna" border="0" /></a>By Alistair Barr SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Inc has been given a security clearance by the U.S. government that will make it easier for federal agencies to use its cloud computing services. Amazon Web Services, known as AWS, was certified to operate as a cloud service provider for three years under the government&#039;s new FedRAMP program. The accreditation covers all AWS data centers in the United States, the company said on Tuesday. &quot;This will cut the cost and time for agencies to deploy our systems,&quot; said Teresa Carlson, vice president of Worldwide Public Sector at AWS. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Parents turn to Internet to help daughter charged with sex with girl minorBy Barbara Liston ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Thousands of people have protested against the prosecution of an 18-year-old Florida high school senior after her parents launched an Internet petition claiming she was charged with sex crimes only because her lover, a then 14-year-old schoolmate, was another girl. By late Monday afternoon, almost 100,000 people had signed a petition or joined a Facebook group called "Free Kate" in support of Kaitlyn Hunt. ..., 20 May 2013 19:47:20 -0400Reutersparents-turn-internet-help-daughter-charged-sex-girl-234720631Toronto mayor urged to step down if crack allegations true<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Toronto Mayor Ford attends a gay rights flag raising event at Toronto City Hall" align="left" title="Toronto Mayor Ford attends a gay rights flag raising event at Toronto City Hall" border="0" /></a>By Julie Gordon TORONTO (Reuters) - The mayor of Canada&#039;s largest city, facing allegations that he smoked crack cocaine, and made racial and homophobic slurs on video, must either refute the accusations or step down, fellow city politicians say. &quot;If the allegations are false, then the mayor is owed some apologies,&quot; said Councillor Josh Matlow, who has clashed with Ford on transit issues, but who usually takes a centrist line in a polarized city council. &quot;If the allegations are proven true beyond a reasonable doubt, then the mayor should resign.&quot; An editor from U.S. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 20 May 2013 17:39:36 -0400Reuterstoronto-mayor-urged-step-down-crack-allegations-true-191103463<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Toronto Mayor Ford attends a gay rights flag raising event at Toronto City Hall" align="left" title="Toronto Mayor Ford attends a gay rights flag raising event at Toronto City Hall" border="0" /></a>By Julie Gordon TORONTO (Reuters) - The mayor of Canada&#039;s largest city, facing allegations that he smoked crack cocaine, and made racial and homophobic slurs on video, must either refute the accusations or step down, fellow city politicians say. &quot;If the allegations are false, then the mayor is owed some apologies,&quot; said Councillor Josh Matlow, who has clashed with Ford on transit issues, but who usually takes a centrist line in a polarized city council. &quot;If the allegations are proven true beyond a reasonable doubt, then the mayor should resign.&quot; An editor from U.S. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Online takeout companies GrubHub and Seamless to mergeBy Sarah McBride SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Two of the nation's biggest online food delivery businesses said they are merging in a deal that they hope will drive more orders, in more cities, through their platforms. GrubHub and Seamless, which allow consumers to easily order online from various restaurants, are part of a group of fast-growing businesses that standardize local services under a national umbrella. Think restaurant reservations, where OpenTable dominates, or car services, where privately held startups such as Uber are making significant inroads. ..., 20 May 2013 13:42:04 -0400Reutersonline-takeout-companies-grubhub-seamless-merge-174204931Websense to go private after years of slow growth(Reuters) - Websense Inc said it had agreed to be taken private by Vista Equity Partners in a deal that values the online security firm at about $907 million, a move that should come as a relief to investors after years of weak sales from its legacy business. The offer of $24.75 per share represents a roughly 29 percent premium to Websense's Friday close. Websense shares rose to just above the offer price to a near two-year high in morning trading on the Nasdaq. ..., 20 May 2013 10:32:57 -0400Reuterswebsense-private-907-million-124705624New Xbox more than a game console for Microsoft<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Visitors play with Microsoft&#039;s Xbox 360 consoles at the Tokyo Game Show in Chiba" align="left" title="Visitors play with Microsoft&#039;s Xbox 360 consoles at the Tokyo Game Show in Chiba" border="0" /></a>By Malathi Nayak and Bill Rigby SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is set to make a splash this week with the eagerly awaited unveiling of its new Xbox game console, eight years after the last version, as it seeks a larger share of the $65 billion a year global computer gaming industry. But the small device faces some big competition from the PlayStation 4 by Sony Corp and the Wii U by Nintendo Co Ltd in a shifting market. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 20 May 2013 07:30:23 -0400Reutersxbox-more-game-console-microsoft-113023100<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Visitors play with Microsoft&#039;s Xbox 360 consoles at the Tokyo Game Show in Chiba" align="left" title="Visitors play with Microsoft&#039;s Xbox 360 consoles at the Tokyo Game Show in Chiba" border="0" /></a>By Malathi Nayak and Bill Rigby SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is set to make a splash this week with the eagerly awaited unveiling of its new Xbox game console, eight years after the last version, as it seeks a larger share of the $65 billion a year global computer gaming industry. But the small device faces some big competition from the PlayStation 4 by Sony Corp and the Wii U by Nintendo Co Ltd in a shifting market. ...</p><br clear="all"/>China trying to manage exposure of corruption online<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="File photo of Liu Tienan at a news conference in Beijing" align="left" title="File photo of Liu Tienan at a news conference in Beijing" border="0" /></a>By Terril Yue Jones BEIJING (Reuters) - China&#039;s Internet is brimming with disclosures of officials collecting bribes, homes and luxury accessories as casually as they do mistresses. But while the government tolerates such anti-corruption vigilantism, it is also extremely leery of the threat the Internet can pose to Communist Party rule. The Internet is the new tool in the fight against corruption - a cornerstone policy of new President Xi Jinping, who has pledged to tackle the problem head-on. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 20 May 2013 07:28:51 -0400Reuterschina-trying-manage-exposure-corruption-online-112851347<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="File photo of Liu Tienan at a news conference in Beijing" align="left" title="File photo of Liu Tienan at a news conference in Beijing" border="0" /></a>By Terril Yue Jones BEIJING (Reuters) - China&#039;s Internet is brimming with disclosures of officials collecting bribes, homes and luxury accessories as casually as they do mistresses. But while the government tolerates such anti-corruption vigilantism, it is also extremely leery of the threat the Internet can pose to Communist Party rule. The Internet is the new tool in the fight against corruption - a cornerstone policy of new President Xi Jinping, who has pledged to tackle the problem head-on. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Jon Stewart's humor a hit with millions of envious Chinese<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Comedian Jon Stewart speaks during the &quot;12-12-12&quot; benefit concert for victims of Superstorm Sandy at Madison Square Garden in New York" align="left" title="Comedian Jon Stewart speaks during the &quot;12-12-12&quot; benefit concert for victims of Superstorm Sandy at Madison Square Garden in New York" border="0" /></a>By Jane Lee SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Humor may not always translate well, but Jon Stewart is picking up millions of fans in China, where his gloves-off political satire is refreshing for many in a country where such criticism is a rarity - especially when directed at their own leaders. A recent segment on North Korea scored over 4 million views on microblogger Sina Weibo, and even stodgy state broadcaster CCTV has used Stewart&#039;s &quot;The Daily Show&quot; in a report, though they wouldn&#039;t let a Chinese version of him near their cameras. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 20 May 2013 02:39:37 -0400Reutersjon-stewarts-humor-hit-millions-envious-chinese-063937036<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Comedian Jon Stewart speaks during the &quot;12-12-12&quot; benefit concert for victims of Superstorm Sandy at Madison Square Garden in New York" align="left" title="Comedian Jon Stewart speaks during the &quot;12-12-12&quot; benefit concert for victims of Superstorm Sandy at Madison Square Garden in New York" border="0" /></a>By Jane Lee SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Humor may not always translate well, but Jon Stewart is picking up millions of fans in China, where his gloves-off political satire is refreshing for many in a country where such criticism is a rarity - especially when directed at their own leaders. A recent segment on North Korea scored over 4 million views on microblogger Sina Weibo, and even stodgy state broadcaster CCTV has used Stewart&#039;s &quot;The Daily Show&quot; in a report, though they wouldn&#039;t let a Chinese version of him near their cameras. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Infosys to challenge latest tax demand of $105.3 million<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="n Infosys logo is pictured on one of the company&#039;s office buildings at their IT campus at Electronics City in Bangalore" align="left" title="n Infosys logo is pictured on one of the company&#039;s office buildings at their IT campus at Electronics City in Bangalore" border="0" /></a>BANGALORE (Reuters) - Infosys Ltd, India&#039;s No. 2 software services exporter, said on Monday it would challenge a 5.77 billion rupees ($105.3 million) income tax demand raised by Indian authorities earlier this month. The demand relates to certain tax benefits on income from software development done overseas at the clients&#039; location and revenue from special economic zones in India, Infosys said in a statement. It said the latest tax demand disregards a clarification by the government in January. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 20 May 2013 00:47:41 -0400Reutersinfosys-challenge-latest-tax-demand-105-3-million-044741556<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="n Infosys logo is pictured on one of the company&#039;s office buildings at their IT campus at Electronics City in Bangalore" align="left" title="n Infosys logo is pictured on one of the company&#039;s office buildings at their IT campus at Electronics City in Bangalore" border="0" /></a>BANGALORE (Reuters) - Infosys Ltd, India&#039;s No. 2 software services exporter, said on Monday it would challenge a 5.77 billion rupees ($105.3 million) income tax demand raised by Indian authorities earlier this month. The demand relates to certain tax benefits on income from software development done overseas at the clients&#039; location and revenue from special economic zones in India, Infosys said in a statement. It said the latest tax demand disregards a clarification by the government in January. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Cricket-Warner to face disciplinary hearing over Twitter rantMay 19 (Reuters) - Australia opening batsman David Warner will face a disciplinary hearing for his Twitter outburst against two senior Australian cricket journalists, the country's cricket board said on Sunday. The flamboyant left-handed batsman criticised News Limited journalists Robert Craddock and Malcolm Conn in an expletive-filled tirade, which grabbed headlines in Australia. The 26-year-old has been charged with breaking the code of behaviour which pertains to "unbecoming behaviour, regarding comments posted on his Twitter account," Cricket Australia said in a statement. ..., 19 May 2013 02:23:51 -0400Reuterscricket-warner-face-disciplinary-hearing-over-twitter-rant-062351100Cricket-Australia to investigate Warner's Twitter rantMay 18 (Reuters) - Cricket Australia is to investigate an extraordinary Twitter outburst by opening batsmen David Warner that attacked two senior Australian cricket journalists. The 26-year-old Warner criticised News Limited journalists Robert Craddock and Malcolm Conn in an expletive-filled tirade, which has created headlines in Australia. "Cricket Australia is aware of comments made on David Warner's Twitter account overnight," Cricket Australia said in a statement on Saturday. "Cricket Australia is attempting to contact Warner and will continue to investigate the matter. ..., 18 May 2013 01:17:08 -0400Reuterscricket-australia-investigate-warners-twitter-rant-051708062Syria government supporters hack Financial TimesBy Jim Finkle and Jennifer Saba (Reuters) - The Financial Times' website and Twitter feeds were hacked on Friday, renewing questions about whether the popular social media service has done enough to tighten security as cyber-attacks on the news media intensify. The Syrian Electronic Army, an online group that supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was behind the incident which followed a phishing attack on the company's email accounts, FT reported on its website. The attack is the latest in which hackers commandeered the Twitter account of a prominent news organization to push their ..., 17 May 2013 16:59:27 -0400Reuterspro-assad-hackers-attack-uk-newspaper-fts-website-122913629U.S. authorities seize accounts of major Bitcoin operatorBy Brett Wolf ST. LOUIS, May 17 (Thomson Reuters Accelus) - U.S. authorities have seized two accounts linked to a major operator in the booming Bitcoin digital currency market, Tokyo-based exchange Mt. Gox. The move may prevent the firm from facilitating the purchase and sale of Bitcoins in U.S. dollars at a time when use of the currency and its value has mushroomed. Bitcoin, which unlike conventional money is bought and sold on a peer-to-peer network independent of any central authority, has grown popular among users who lack faith in the established banking system. ..., 17 May 2013 12:34:08 -0400Reutersu-authorities-seize-accounts-major-bitcoin-operator-163408866After Google, Amazon to be grilled on UK tax presence<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A worker collects orders at Amazon&#039;s fulfilment centre in Rugeley, central England" align="left" title="A worker collects orders at Amazon&#039;s fulfilment centre in Rugeley, central England" border="0" /></a>By Tom Bergin LONDON (Reuters) - Internet retailer Inc. will be called back to the British parliament to clarify how its activities in the UK justify its low corporate income tax bill, two lawmakers told Reuters. Amazon will follow search giant Google, which attended another grilling by parliament&#039;s Public Affairs Committee (PAC) over its tax affairs on Thursday. A Reuters report earlier this month raised questions over Google&#039;s earlier assertions that its UK-based staff don&#039;t sell to customers. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 17 May 2013 09:17:37 -0400Reutersgoogle-amazon-grilled-uk-tax-presence-072843511<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A worker collects orders at Amazon&#039;s fulfilment centre in Rugeley, central England" align="left" title="A worker collects orders at Amazon&#039;s fulfilment centre in Rugeley, central England" border="0" /></a>By Tom Bergin LONDON (Reuters) - Internet retailer Inc. will be called back to the British parliament to clarify how its activities in the UK justify its low corporate income tax bill, two lawmakers told Reuters. Amazon will follow search giant Google, which attended another grilling by parliament&#039;s Public Affairs Committee (PAC) over its tax affairs on Thursday. A Reuters report earlier this month raised questions over Google&#039;s earlier assertions that its UK-based staff don&#039;t sell to customers. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Rivals get longer to comment on Google EU antitrust offer: source<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Surfboards lean against a wall at the Google office in Santa Monica" align="left" title="Surfboards lean against a wall at the Google office in Santa Monica" border="0" /></a>By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU antitrust regulators have given some of Google&#039;s rivals more time to study its proposals to settle anti-competitive complaints, which could provide more leverage to pry further concessions from the Internet search giant. The European Commission last month told interested parties they had until May 26 to say if they are satisfied with the offer by the world&#039;s most popular search engine to mark out its services from rival products in Internet search results. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 17 May 2013 08:55:37 -0400Reutersrivals-longer-google-eu-antitrust-offer-source-125537535<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Surfboards lean against a wall at the Google office in Santa Monica" align="left" title="Surfboards lean against a wall at the Google office in Santa Monica" border="0" /></a>By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU antitrust regulators have given some of Google&#039;s rivals more time to study its proposals to settle anti-competitive complaints, which could provide more leverage to pry further concessions from the Internet search giant. The European Commission last month told interested parties they had until May 26 to say if they are satisfied with the offer by the world&#039;s most popular search engine to mark out its services from rival products in Internet search results. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Soccer-Oceania club final showcases future of broadcastingBy Greg Stutchbury WELLINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) - The possible future of sports broadcasting will be further highlighted on Sunday when New Zealand's Auckland City and Waitakere United play the Oceania Champions League final, with the winner qualifying for the lucrative FIFA Club World Cup. The match in Auckland, reduced to a winner-takes-all final after the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) streamlined the competition this year, will be broadcast not only on television but also live over the Internet on the OFC's YouTube channel. "The coverage will be screened live in New Zealand ... ..., 17 May 2013 02:29:53 -0400Reuterssoccer-oceania-club-final-showcases-future-broadcasting-062953156China cracks down on over-the-top anti-Japan dramasBEIJING (Reuters) - China's television regulator has ordered a crackdown on dramas about the country's battles with Japan during and before World War Two and demanded they be more serious, state media said on Friday, following viewer complaints about ludicrous storylines. Ties have been shadowed for years by what Beijing says has been Tokyo's refusal to admit to wartime atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers in the country between 1937 and 1945, something taught to every Chinese school child and a staple of television dramas. ..., 16 May 2013 22:25:22 -0400Reuterschina-cracks-down-over-top-anti-japan-dramas-022522730LulzSec hackers who "wreaked havoc" at Sony jailed in UK<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Ryan Ackroyd puts out a cigarette outside Southwark Crown Court in London" align="left" title="Ryan Ackroyd puts out a cigarette outside Southwark Crown Court in London" border="0" /></a>By Li-mei Hoang LONDON (Reuters) - A group of British hackers who &quot;ran riot&quot; causing millions of dollars of damage to computer networks run by Sony, the CIA and other agencies were sentenced to jail terms on Thursday. Police said four men, members of the hacking collective known as &quot;LulzSec&quot;, put thousands of internet users&#039; personal data at risk through their high-profile cyber attacks in 2011. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 16 May 2013 13:50:42 -0400Reuterslulzsec-hackers-wreaked-havoc-sony-jailed-uk-175042625<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Ryan Ackroyd puts out a cigarette outside Southwark Crown Court in London" align="left" title="Ryan Ackroyd puts out a cigarette outside Southwark Crown Court in London" border="0" /></a>By Li-mei Hoang LONDON (Reuters) - A group of British hackers who &quot;ran riot&quot; causing millions of dollars of damage to computer networks run by Sony, the CIA and other agencies were sentenced to jail terms on Thursday. Police said four men, members of the hacking collective known as &quot;LulzSec&quot;, put thousands of internet users&#039; personal data at risk through their high-profile cyber attacks in 2011. ...</p><br clear="all"/>UK politician sues for defamation in high-profile Twitter caseBy Estelle Shirbon LONDON (Reuters) - A retired British politician sued the wife of the House of Commons Speaker for defamation on Thursday, accusing her of implying in a tweet that he was a pedophile guilty of sexually abusing boys living in a care home. Alistair McAlpine, an associate of the late former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, is seeking damages from Sally Bercow in Britain's most high-profile Twitter defamation case to date. ..., 16 May 2013 09:13:04 -0400Reutersuk-politician-sues-defamation-high-profile-twitter-case-131304677Cricket-'Jeeks', 'nuffies' and moms targeted by cricketing FacebookBy Greg Stutchbury WELLINGTON, May 16 (Reuters) - Hunched over desks staring at computer screens paid for in part by New Zealand cricket captain Brendon McCullum, employees at a small Wellington company are hard at work laying the foundations for what they hope will be the next social media revolution. Targeting the estimated billion players and fans of the English bat-and-ball game around the world, CricHQ aims to build an online community which could be crudely described as Facebook for cricket. ..., 16 May 2013 02:59:52 -0400Reuterscricket-jeeks-nuffies-moms-targeted-cricketing-facebook-065952634YouTube adds first paid channel for horror films<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A visitor is seen at the You Tube stand during the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes" align="left" title="A visitor is seen at the You Tube stand during the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes" border="0" /></a>By Lucas Shaw NEW YORK ( - YouTube has a new paid channel for horror junkies, adding Screampix as the first subscription channel dedicated to frightful fare. It launched on Wednesday in the US and Canada for $2.99 a month, and will rollout to the U.K., France and Brazil later this year. The channel features more than 200 hours of horror footage, including full-length features, trailers and interviews. Movies are grouped into categories such as &quot;Women on a R


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